  • 學位論文

斯文豪氏攀蜥與黃口攀蜥之運動生理與溫度特性: 跨海拔之物種內、種間及性別間之比較

Thermal sensitivity of locomotor performance and thermal profiles in two agamid lizards in Taiwan: Intraspecific, interspecific, intersexual comparisons across altitudes

指導教授 : 林雨德


外溫動物的生理表現隨著體溫變化,其中運動表現對個體的生存有重大的影響,而研究同一物種在不同溫度環境中族群的運動生理表現可讓我們了解溫度生理的適應性演化。本研究探討斯文豪氏攀木蜥蜴(Japalura swinhonis)與黃口攀木蜥蜴(Japalura polygonata xanthostoma)的中海拔族群和低海拔族群在運動生理及溫度特性上的差異,我測量攀木蜥蜴在六個溫度下的跑步速度與跳躍距離以畫出運動表現的溫度敏感度曲線(thermal sensitivity curve),並算出表現寬度(B80)及理想表現溫度(To)。此外,我測量最高耐受溫度極限(CTmax)、最低耐受溫度極限(CTmin)及個體在野外環境中的體溫(Tb),並且透過室內選溫實驗測量蜥蜴的選溫偏好(Tsel)。結果發現兩種攀蜥在不同海拔的族群在溫度生理上都有適應性演化,但不同的運動型態的適應情形會隨著物種而不同,而雌雄在溫度生理上的差異只有在黃口攀蜥發現。然而不同海拔族群或不同性別的攀木蜥蜴在溫度偏好上並無差異。本研究顯示外溫動物族群在溫度生理上會適應不同的溫度環境。


Physiological performance varies with body temperature in ectotherms, especially the locomotor performance which may influence their survivorship. Whether lizard populations in various thermal environments maintain similar thermal profiles and thermal performance curves has been debated. In this study, I compared the thermal characteristics between two populations from lowland and mid-altitude in Japalura swinhonis and Japalura polygonata xanthostoma. I measured lizard sprint speed and jump distance at 6 temperatures to calculate performance breadth (B80) and thermal optimum (To). I also measured thermal tolerance limits (CTmax, CTmin), selected temperature (Tsel) and field body temperature (Tb). Results showed that in both species populations from different altitudes had different patterns of thermal sensitivity and thermal tolerance. Sexual difference in thermal physiology was only found in J.polygonata xanthostoma. However, there was no significant difference in Tsel between two altitudinal populations or sexes in both species. My results support the labile view on the evolution of thermal physiology for lizards.


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