  • 學位論文


A Study on Business Model of Clownfish Aquaculture in Taiwan

指導教授 : 雷立芬


自從海底總動員影片上映後,全世界人們就瘋狂的想擁有一缸珊瑚礁生態,特別是戲中主角的公子小丑魚。美國是全世界觀賞魚最大進口國,每年由珊瑚礁區進口數佰萬尾海洋生物,供兩佰萬的家庭飼養,屬於小丑魚的10個品系就占了38%以上的比例,顯示市場對小丑魚的喜好狀況及需求之高。但為了保育涵養海洋資源、平衡珊瑚礁生態及人工繁養殖觀賞魚的興盛對國家的經濟成長有正面助益的考量,人工繁殖觀賞所需珊瑚及珊瑚礁魚尤其是小丑魚變成是刻不容緩的應著手研發的工作與議題。 本研究經由SWOT分析台灣競爭力,比較美國、菲律賓及台灣繁養殖現況,綜合比較不同經營規模之成本,提出「細胞漁場」以及小丑魚產業聯盟平台(Nemo-team)概念,作為我國發展人工繁養殖小丑魚產業之經營模式。透過Nemo-team之運作可以快速地將企業界及國家的研發資源連結,提昇研發的層次,加速技術的昇級,多種類、多品系的小丑魚可以分配給不同的細胞魚場專業地生產, 而各個企業也可以在高等級技術面之下各自做小層面多樣化的細部研發創新,以期短期內穩定供應國內需求,未來能與國際知名企業並駕成為世界小丑魚之大宗供應國。本研究最後提出建言,政府最重要的責任角色是建立一個小丑魚繁養殖產業最適環境的 Home Base,成為小丑魚產業的創新研發來源及引擎推動力,類似Nemo-team的協助建立,政府作為應有適當政策,努力改善並促進每一個項次的產值發揮交互影響形成競爭優勢。


People of the world were crazily fascinated to have a reef aquarium, especially to keep the movie star”Nemo”clownfish, since the movie of “Finding Nemo”. USA is the largest country in the world to import the ornamental fish that is estimated around several million pieces in quantity from the wild coral areas for 2 million families’ keeping. As statistic report, ten speciments of Clownfishes occupied more than 38% of the importing quantity from the wild, it evidences the high preferrence and the needs for clownfish. In order to conserve the marine resourses and biotope equillbrium of coral reefs and to flourish the ornamental fish industry will benefit the nation’s economy growth, mariculture of the invertebrates and fish for ornamental use, especially the clownfish, are the essencial and pressing issue and work. The subject study uses SWOT analysis to assess Taiwan’s competitivenss, compares the current breeding situation in USA, Phillipine and Taiwan , and analysizes the cost of different breeding scales in mentioned coutries to propose an idea of “cell breeding farm” and “Nemo-team” as the business model of developing the breeding clownfish industry in Taiwan. It could connect the companies’ capacity with nation’s R&D resources to upgrade rapidly in technology, research and innovation and could havest the great varieties and speciments of clownfishes from the cell breeding farms, through the operation of Nemo-Team. Then, it is expected to stably supply the domestic demand in the short term and to compete with well-known international companies as the main and largest supply of clownfish of the world in the near future. Finally, the subject study suggests the nation should formulate the appropriate policies to offer the industry a favorable environment of “Home Base” from which international competitive advantage ultimately emanates, such as helping the set up of “Nemo-team” module, as the government plays a powerful influence on the driving of innovation and a key role in supplying R&D research.


何源興、鄭明忠、施勝中與陳文義(2013),「小丑魚種苗生產技術暨整廠輸出 之發展」,《臺灣觀賞魚水族產業發展現況農業生技產業季刊》,34:43-50。
