  • 學位論文


An Integrated Ann-Based Spatial-Temporal Algorithms and Analytical Solution to Forecast Groundwater Level in Plain and Coastal Area

指導教授 : 譚義績


地下水為農業,水產養殖,工業和家庭用水日益重要的水資源,臺灣長期經濟發展下之地下水超抽行為,造成了地層下陷,海水侵入和地下水資源短缺等環境問題,而氣候變遷下,也可能對各地下水分區造成地下水補注潛能變化之衝擊。地下水位變動的原因包括水文地質條件,氣象因素和人類活動等綜合現象,而地下水位為水資源管理和使用的重要指標,例如在淺層含水層中,地下水位受抽水活動、降水與入滲等因素影響甚大,因此對於地下水位的分析評估,是水資源管理的重要課題。屏東平原以及其沿海區域,由於氣候特性與長期的抽取地下水,除了造成水資源管理上的問題,尤其在沿海地區長久以來養殖漁業不當發展,造成自然環境之破壞與衝擊。由於沖積平原地區與沿海地區,其地下水在自然條件與人為使用上,時間與空間上的尺度差異,為掌握未來相關環境變化趨勢,本研究為「平原與沿海地區地下水預測之類神經時空分析與理論解析」,重點包含兩個部分,首先利用類神經網路結合小波理論,包含利用自組映射組織圖(SOM)、多目標基因演算法(MOGA)、支持向量機演算法(SVM)與小波轉換(wavelet transform) 建置屏東平原的地下水預報複合型類神經模型;其次,在沿海地區地下水含水層系統複雜的感潮河道區域,開發通用的數學解析解,來分析河口—沿海含水層系統的地下水位振盪,結果顯示地下水位振盪是三種效應的綜合作用:負載效應、感潮河道含水層滲漏和內陸含水層滲漏等三種。當給定水文地質參數時,藉由本解析解,便可以清楚地描述出沿海地區地下水位振盪的行為。透過上述所發展的之複合型之地下水模式,可針對現今用水量增加,枯水期地面水資源缺乏,以及沿海地區地下水之問題,提供地下水位分析評估,作為水資源管理策略的參考依據。


For the accurate and effective forecasting of groundwater level, a two-step spatial and temporal analysis process is necessary. The implementation of the SOM-based model can classify the hydrological and geographical zones and identify the recharge and subsidence regions. The Pingtung Plain is a large area with complex hydrology phenomena; the determination of optimal input meteorological factors via MOGA-SVM-based model could improve the groundwater level forecasting in the proximal-fan, the mid-fan and the distal-fan areas. The proposed spatial-temporal groundwater forecasting methodology is expected to be useful in regard to a huge and complex groundwater system, and can be provided as an alternative to the existing models for water resources management problems. Tide-induced groundwater head fluctuations in coastal aquifers are complex, and numerous analytical solutions have been developed for these different aquifer systems. This paper investigated head fluctuations in a two-dimensional estuarine-coastal aquifer system consisting of an unconfined aquifer and a heterogeneous confined aquifer extending under a tidal river with a semipermeable layer between them. A general analytical solution was derived to explore the head fluctuations influenced by various hydrogeological conditions, such as the tidal river aquifer leakage, inland aquifer leakage, dimensionless transmissivity and transmissivity anisotropy ratios in the aquifer system.


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