  • 學位論文


The Conflict Problem of the General Waste Policy A Case Study of the Resistance to the Beitou Incinerator in Taipei

指導教授 : 周素卿


廢棄物問題是台灣在經濟及人口成長下的「必要之惡」,1970年代全國各縣市的垃圾糾紛便層出不窮。近年來因為焚化政策的推動,廢棄物無處傾倒的問題有減緩趨勢,政策結果卻衍生出政治、社會、以及毒物污染問題,而地方居民的抗爭衝突,依然頻繁。 在此背景之下,本研究採取政策分析,分析脈絡包括1980年代焚化政策制定始末、1984-2003年共三期的《垃圾處理方案》規劃與推動的政策內容。依照政策論述,整個制度結構歷經2大政策轉向:棄置掩埋到焚化,再從焚化轉變至源頭減量的零廢棄社會。 政策結果顯示,地方政府施為能力的不足,中央一條鞭式的掌控,造成都市策略擴展為全國性政策;而政府層級間的不協調,市場與技術面的不成熟,與規劃失當皆造成制度結構的不健全。影響所及,政策執行結果,衍生出垃圾量不足,焚化廠管理失當、貪瀆弊案橫生等問題,並透過環保抗爭而揭發出來。 這些環保抗爭以地方居民的抗爭最為激烈。其中,在政策面及「居民參與法制化」部分,貢獻最多的,是石牌居民參與北投焚化廠的抗爭一案。本抗爭事件歷時7年(1997-2003年),在與政府抗爭磨合過程中,先獲得台北市政府承認石牌居民參與北投廠管理為依法合理行為,訂立《北投焚化廠環保志工團陪同垃圾稽查作業草案》(2002年),環境品質獲得改善;後受到中央政府的重視,召開《全國廢棄物政策高峰會》(2003年),全國焚化政策因此有所轉向,包括陸續停建規劃中的焚化廠工程,確立源頭減量為主的垃圾處理方針,後於 2004年訂立《民眾監督大型垃圾焚化廠營運實施要點》,給予居民參與法制性的權利,與政府公開資訊的義務。 本研究認為居民參與是環境管理機制下,保障地方環境品質的重要屏障。在污染源未根絕,制度體制尚未健全,而居民缺乏環境權益的情況下,地方居民抗爭作為必要手段,是用來檢視政策缺失、政府施為的監督力量,這種「以地方為基礎」環境行動主義,才是維護日常生活環境權益,實現環境正義社會的出路。


After the 70s, waste struggles resulted from the growth of economics and population happened everywhere in Taiwan. Followed by the execution of the incineration method, the waste problems seem to be alleviated. However, some researches proof that there are still many local resistances everywhere. It reveals that the incineration not only raised the political as well as social problems, but also concerns on toxic wastes. This research focuses on the analysis of the waste management policy. The context of includes that the policy was first formulated in the 80s, and administrated during the two decades between 1984 to 2003, known as the Waste Management Program. The policy’s discourses showed that the government had made two policy-turns:from disposal to incineration, and from incineration to zero waste society. The analysis of the policy shows that the incapability of local government, the central-oriented strategy, and was flawed by the incomplete institution system, causing problems like the lack of waste, inadequate incinerator management, toxic waste and the corruption, which were very much revealed by the local resistant groups. In many resistant groups, the case of Beitou Incinerator in Taipei has motivated the construction about the public participation in law. Shi Pai residents have fought for their environment quality with governments for seven years(1997-2003).Finally, local government agreed to legalize the behavior for the Shi Pai residents to help them to manage the Beitou incinerator. Shi Pai residents not only won the good environmental quality back , they also set up the formal cooperation mechanism for environmental management. Environment Protection Agency held national conferences to survey the policy of building incinerators and decided to cease it. The policy has been revised. The conclusion is that local resistant groups are the key protectors to the local environmental quality when the institution system is incomplete and the public doesn’t own the environmental rights. They are the monitors to survey the decision-making and the process-administrating of policy. They are capable of challenging the incapability of governments. Such local-based environmental activism is the only way to achieve an environmental just society.


行政院環境保護署 2002 中華民國台灣地區環境保護統計年報,台北:行政院環境保護署。
行政院環境保護署 2004 中華民國台灣地區環境保護統計年報,台北:行政院環境保護署。
台北市議會 1982 第四屆第一次大會第十一次會議業務質詢,24(16)。
台北市議會 1982 第四屆第一次大會第二十七次會議市政總質詢,24(24)。
台北市議會 1981 第三屆第三次大會議事錄(上)。


