  • 學位論文


The Distance Between Public Service Television Taiwan And The Public

指導教授 : 林麗雲
共同指導教授 : 蕭富元(Fu-Yuan Hsiao)


過往關於台灣公共電視之研究,多聚焦維持公視之獨立性,以落實媒體與政府的「一臂之遙」,本文則關注公視與公眾之距離,從國家整體公共媒體政策,與內部組織文化、內容產製理念、問責機制等四個面向,探究公視社會支持不足、群眾基礎有限的原因。 本報導發現,受限於國家對公視「小而美」的政策定位,台灣公視長年邊緣偏安、經費人力皆不足,難與私人商業媒體抗衡。另外又因為公視新聞編輯室獨尊專業主義,敘事風格與閱聽人需求相對脫節,形塑公視「品牌信賴感第一,收視率卻墊底」的現象,叫好不叫座。 本報導也深度採訪公視內部員工,厚描公視勞逸不均、效率僵化的組織文化,並發現公視「賞罰不明」的人事制度,相當程度成為了員工理想性的頭號殺手,讓公視整體戰鬥力難以體現,不易向公眾證明自己的存在價值。 本報導最後檢視上列現象的制度成因,即公視在先天上缺乏與公眾建立強烈心理連結的連帶關係,後天也並未透過紮實的問責機制加以補足。公視受到的公眾監督有限,群眾基礎自然也難以厚實。本文主張,公視應繞著公眾轉,處處以公眾為中心,讓公民社會認同:公視真的是「我的媒體」。


Unlike previous studies covering Public Television Service (PTS), which mainly focused on ways to maintain independence of the public service broadcaster and the arm’s-length principle with the government, this essay examines the distance between the PTS and the public. With perspectives including the public media policies of Taiwan, organizational culture of PTS, its principles on content production, and public accountability mechanism, this study delves into the reasons why PTS has had only limited public support from the Taiwanese civil society. Findings from this study suggest that since PTS has been constrained and positioned to be “small and delicate” by the government for years, it has long struggled with being marginalized. It’s seriously underfunded and understaffed, hence crippled to compete with private media in Taiwan. Besides, because PTS newsroom has adhered mainly to high standard of journalistic professionalism, somewhat ignoring the actual needs of Taiwanese audiences, it has as well been caught in the paradox in which PTS is viewed as the most trustworthy news brand, and meanwhile one of the channels with the lowest TV ratings. Additionally, through in-depth interviews with several PTS staff members, this study also depicts the organizational culture within PTS and finds that workplace inefficiency, unequal allocation of work, and personnel policies that are ineffective in rewarding or punishing employees all have negative impacts on employee passion at work, which then diminish the productivity and morale of PTS and weaken its legitimacy to the Taiwanese public. Finally, this report examines the systematic cause of the symptoms mentioned above. PTS has naturally been designed to operate without tight psychological bond with the public. Neither has it adopted intense public accountability measures to tighten the bond later on. For years, the public has had limited approaches to examine the performance of PTS, therefore restraining the support of PTS from the public. This article then recommends that PTS orbit the public and practice public-orientation in all aspects of operation. In the future, PTS might succeed in convincing the civil society that “PTS is truly owned by me”.


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