  • 學位論文


Can Brand Loyalty be transferred into Organizational Commitment: Exploring the Role of Organization Support、 Corporate Image and Job satisfaction

指導教授 : 戚樹誠


回顧過去的研究,對於員工與組織間之探討諸如:組織承諾、組織公民行為、 組織支持與員工工作滿足等皆有討論,然而員工對於所任職企業之品牌所持有之 品牌忠誠度,對該組織之間形成之影響卻鮮少被討論。 本研究以國內連鎖咖啡業者星巴克之員工為研究對象,共60 位受試者,針 對員工在任職前對星巴克持有之品牌忠誠度與進入星巴克任職後之組織承諾間 之關係作探討,研究結果顯示品牌忠誠度與組織承諾間呈現顯著的正相關。此外 本研究再以員工認知之企業形象、組織支持以及工作滿足作為干擾因子,以探討 此三干擾變項對於組織承諾之間關連性的干擾效果,研究結果顯示,組織支持以 及工作滿足對於品牌忠誠度與組織承諾之間具有干擾效果,但企業形象則否。


In the past literature, there have been discussions of the relationships between employee and the organization in many aspects, e.g., Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organization Support and Job Satisfaction. The literature, however, has neglected the trait of Brand Loyalty hold by the employee before entering the organization. The sample of the present research includes 60 Starbucks’ employees. It is aimed at examining relationships among the Brand Loyalty hold by the employee before entering organization, and Organizational Commitment hold by the employee after entering the organization. The result showed brand loyalty and Organizational Commitment are positively related. Besides, also found that Organization Support and Job Satisfaction exerted the moderating effect on the relationship between Brand Loyalty and Organizational Commitment, but Corporate Image did not.


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