  • 學位論文


A study on New Retail Business Model - A case study of Home Furnishings Industry

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


隨著新零售浪潮所帶來的衝擊與競爭,零售業者無不絞盡腦汁思考企業的轉型與變革。而在科技與互聯網高度發展下,消費者無論在消費需求、資訊取得與購物路徑上也發生了重大的改變。這些改變使得傳統零售業者在轉型的過程中,面臨著更嚴峻的挑戰。故應如何提升每一個顧客接觸點的價值,讓企業具備成功邁向「新零售」時代的條件,正是此時許多企業迫切想探討之議題 本研究整理了新零售相關的文獻與理論架構,以及全通路之定義與內涵,並依據《零售4.0》所提出的三大關鍵因素「全通路體驗」、「資訊化數據管理」以及「個人化互動行銷」來探討個案品牌「hoi好好生活」在新形態居家零售市場之經營模式。並藉由「顧客旅程地圖」來檢視其服務流程是否得以解決顧客痛點,同時探討此營運模式下的服務接觸點對於顧客體驗之影響。 本研究採用質性研究中的個案研究法(Case Study)來探討新零售趨勢之下,企業應在那些面向做好因應與佈局,並透過商業模式解決顧客痛點,以達提升消費者體驗之目標。


新零售 零售4.0 全通路 顧客體驗


With the impact and competitive environment brought about by new retail, retailers are all thinking about how to succeed in business transformation. Under the rapid development of Internet, consumers have had major changes in their consumption demand, information acquisition and path to purchase. These changes make traditional retailers face more severe challenges in the process of transformation. Therefore, how to enhance the value of service to successfully enter the new era of retail is the topic that many companies are eager to discuss. This research has compiled the literature and theoretical framework related to new retail and analyzes the new retail model of "hoi home" based on the three key factors "Omni-channel Customer Experience", "Informatization Management" and "Personalized Marketing" proposed in "Retail4.0" to understand the current development of new retail in the home furnishings industry. Besides, using "Customer Journey Map" to examine whether hoi home's service model can solve customer pain points. The research results show that New Retail emphasizes an integrated and seamless service experience. As long as any details are neglected, it may cause a disruption in the customer experience. Therefore, enterprises need to have a comprehensive consideration when thinking about business transformation. In addition, the investment in technology equipment in the early stage of the transformation is certainly important, but companies cannot ignore the continuous injection of resources in the operations so that the corresponding processes and strategies can be implemented and optimized, finally the real benefits of data can be reaped.


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