  • 學位論文


Making a Mixed-Income Community: The Transformation of An-Kang Low-Cost Housing to Xing-Long Public Housing in Taipei

指導教授 : 黃麗玲


台灣社會住宅政策借鏡國外經驗,將混合居住模式引進台灣,期望消除過去大眾對於社會住宅就是貧民窟的既定印象,減少周圍居民對社會住宅的排斥。2011年《住宅法》通過,明定社會住宅需保留一定比例的住宅配額給弱勢族群,開啟臺灣社會住宅混合居住的新時代。臺北市在社會住宅興建完成後,就社區營造層面提出青年創新回饋計畫、安康社區另有居住關懷服務,期望帶動社區關係發展。本研究試著從「混合居住」的面向,藉由次級資料收集、參與式觀察、訪談的方式,探討臺北市社會住宅政策與國外經驗的差異,以及相關計畫在安康平價住宅社區實施後,當地居民、新入住居民以及周圍鄰里於轉變過程中的觀感差異。 國外的混合居住理論研究中,多認為讓較高經濟水準的居民進入社區,有助於解決因貧窮居民集中居住而產生的社會問題,提升整體社區的環境品質與形象的可能性。然而,不同身分與收入程度的居民間,在入住後於生活上卻也不免產生摩擦與歧視。但臺北市對於混合居住社區的發展背景、執行方式,與國外經驗有些許差異。因此就混合居住於臺灣實施可能產生的結果仍有待觀察。以安康平價住宅社區轉型興隆社會住宅為例,除了多元住戶間可能產生的居住問題,相較於過去平價住宅的居住條件,興隆社會住宅在空間環境、管理、租金、租期制度上均有所不同。同時,居住量體變大、空間環境改變、政府相關計畫實施,以及鄰居對居住品質想像的轉變,也對原安康住戶與多元居民在混合居住過程中的經驗產生影響。 研究結果發現安康社區轉型後,原安康住戶大多認為新的空間環境與管理制度提升了生活品質,但與平價住宅不同的空間環境,卻使得過去的生活習慣與文化在新的社區中難以被接受。租金方面,部分原安康住戶認為雖然居住成本增加,但因居住品質有明顯提升,且有分級租金制度優惠,因此尚屬可接受的範圍。然而,租期限制卻使許多家戶感到困擾,一方面擔心租期結束將無家可歸,另一方面搬家的成本也是考量的因素之一。居住關懷服務對原安康居民適應新社區的生活帶來許多正面效果,讓他們得在居住條件轉換過程中,有個可以諮詢、獲得協助的管道,降低他們的不安與壓力。另外,甄選住戶執行的青年創新回饋計畫,在參與者反饋與本研究觀察下,發現這類在社會住宅內部公共空間發生的活動,有助於在混合社區中尋找社區營造新的可能性。不限制參與者身分的活動型態,也成為扭轉過去周圍鄰里對安康社區負面形象的契機,促成社會住宅內、外部的混合。社會住宅的混合居住型態為未來臺灣住宅政策的新趨勢,期望透過興隆社會住宅之案例,為未來的社會住宅政策制度提供參考與建議。


Since the 2010s, the public housing policy has become a trend in Taiwan. According to experiences in other countries, Taipei City government plans to create public housing as a mixed-income community to resist the opposite opinions from the neighborhood. In past few years, because of the failure in housing policies, lots of people took public housings as the places where only low income families live. To remove the stigma from public housings, Taipei City government has been trying to not only build physical constructions in high quality, but also strengthen community empowerment in public housing communities. Although Taipei City government formulated the mechanism of mixed-income housing by learning previous experiences from other countries, the background of how to create a mixed-income community and the ways to practice among countries are different. Therefore, the result of creating a mixed-incomed community in Taipei should be recorded and tracked. In this research, An-Kang low-cost housing community which has transformed into Xing-Long public housing since 2012 will be taken as an example. After the transformation, living conditions changed in terms of physical environment, community management, rent and rental terms. These factors may affect former An-Kang residents’ living experiences when they mix up with new residents moving from other places. Thus, in the period of the transformation, in order to help relocated An-Kang residents adapt to different rules and create a vigor atmosphere in Xing-Long public housing, Taipei City government has carried out various social projects in different phases. This research finds that under the mechanism, An-Kang residents have greater life qualities in space and community management, but they still face other challenges in rent and rental terms. Besides, the mechanism of making a mixed-income community in Xing-Long public housing has positive effects on mixing public housing community and neighborhood nearby and improving the negative image of the community in the past.


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