  • 學位論文


How Social Structures Changed Between Late Peinan Culture and Early San-ho Culture– A Case Study of Stone Coffin in San-li Site, Taitung

指導教授 : 陳有貝


上里遺址位於臺東縣延平鄉紅葉村的山區內,高度為海拔540公尺至510公尺之間,經地表調查與兩次的試掘計畫確認其文化屬性為卑南文化晚期至三和文化初期,其中由三和文化層內所取出的炭樣本經定年為2645B.P.至2351B.P.之間,顯示此遺址屬於三和文化的最早期聚落。此遺址所發現位置為花東縱谷尾段之山區,不僅為卑南文化少有的山居型聚落,同時也為卑南文化/三和文化的最北端遺址。 本文呈現2018年度計畫的發掘成果,出土資料包括有陶質遺留、石質遺留,少量的生態遺物如魚牙與獸骨,以及5具石板棺墓葬。陶質遺物多為陶容器破片,並有少量的口緣、手把、陶紐等部位,完整的陶容器僅出土於墓葬內。由分佈於遺址範圍各區域的三角形橫把與陶片上的雙圈印紋、羽狀刺點紋等要素可確認三和文化人群為此遺址的最主要使用者。石質遺物大多為斧鋤型器與矛鏃型器,另有極少量的石杵與錛鑿型器,漁撈相關的砝碼形網墜僅出土一件。顯示此聚落內的人群應為農耕與狩獵行為並重。 另於墓葬內出土之隨葬品包含有玻璃珠、鐵質手環,以及帶印籃紋於腹部的大型陶甕,前兩者的發現確切顯示其已進入鐵器時代初期,大型陶甕則提示了此聚落可能具有除石板棺外的其他墓葬形式。除上述屬於鐵器時代的新文化要素外,墓葬皆為卑南式的長方形箱形石板棺,每具棺內至少出土一件小型折腹陶罐,雖陶罐腹部皆施加三和文化風格紋飾,但大抵而言墓葬的基本形式仍維持卑南文化的風格。 本研究通過上里遺址出土的石板棺墓葬資料對於三和文化初期的社會轉變與區域網絡進行初步的分析,除了出土的地層與墓葬資料外,以區域遺址資料以及現生的排灣族民族誌資料的比較,由人與周圍自然資源互動、墓葬與活動空間的轉變詮釋上里人群在接納外來物質文化與山居生業型態後如何產生初步由公共祭祀漸趨向個人重心性質的社會組織,並更進一步討論此變化產生後在區域網絡內的定位。研究結果顯示上里遺址為卑南文化晚期為採集板岩資源而形成的小型聚落,由少量家庭單位形成,在受到海外物質文化傳入影響後,主要的家長可能掌握了祭祀儀式相關的權力而得以累積密集的稀有資源,形成初步的階層化社會開端。除海外文化外,也接受到來自北方的縱谷鐵器文化影響而傳入巨石以及對於山林資源的適應,使後續的三和文化多為山居型遺址。上里遺址作為一個受到三文化特徵影響的聚落,作為三和文化發展的初期地點顯示了社會在卑南文化衰弱階段遇到外來物質文化後所展現的多面向變遷。


San-li site was located 510m-540m height mountain area in Yanping, Taitung. With surface surveys and excavations in 2013 and 2019, Scholars confirm that the occupation period site including both late Peinan Culture and early San-Li Culture by the found in test pit. Moreover, the carbon dating results shows the date between 2645BP to 2351BP. This site was not only one of the scarce mountain type settlement, but also the most northern settlement of Peinan/ San-ho Culture. This thesis shows the data of excavation of 2018 project, including ceramic remains, stone tools, few fauna remains such as shark teeth and bone fragments, and 5 stone coffins. The artifacts found from the burial contexts including glass beads, iron wristband, and large ceramic urn with basket-pressed decoration. Glass beads and iron wristband indicates that people on this site has already started the use of metal. One the other hand, the large ceramic urn shows that there were alternate burial options beside stone coffins. However, the stone coffins’ appearances remained the “Peinan style” with rectangular shape and at least one small ceramic pot inside the coffin. This thesis analyzed the changes of social structures in early period of San-ho culture by the burial context excavated in San-li site. Furthermore, by using the ethnography data, I interpreted that how assemblages distributed in burial contexts and how people could interacted with landscape shows the transition from publicity-focus to personalize-focus on the settlement by funeral practice after they contacted with oversea culture. Furthermore, I also study this site on a regional scale. The study results shows that San-li site might be a small settlement consisted of little number of households whose original mission was to collect the slate resources for the Peinan community. After contacted with overseas population, the leaders of the households may have controlled the ritual and gained power and the right of accumulating the rare objects, which may allowed them to operate a preliminary condition of an early ranking society. Furthermore, San-li site was also influenced by the populations from the northern valley, introducing San-li people the megalithic culture and the favor of living in the mountain areas. As a settlement which was affected by at least three different cultures, San-li site shows how people in early period of San-ho Culture’s social structure have changed after they accepted the material culture in the time when the of power of Peinan community started to decline.


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