  • 學位論文


The Numeral Ideas in the Ideal Bureaucracies from Warring States to Han Period

指導教授 : 甘懷真


本文試圖透過戰國秦漢時人對理想官制的構想與官制史的論述,分析當時人的政治觀念,尤其是當中政府在天人關係裡的角色。 緒論將回顧研究中對傳統政治思想與政治制度之間的論述,指出過往研究古代政治中常見的觀念如君主專制與官僚制等,往往出自西方政治學或社會學等學科的學說。但以西方學科的學說分析中國古代史的性質是否貼切?近年來學界開始反思這樣的研究取徑。 第二章從《漢書•百官公卿表序》和《五行大義•論諸官》兩部著作中所記載的官制歷史入手,指出對古人而言,政治制度所蘊含的「仰觀俯察」與「作教化民」兩大理念。 第三章將以四時五行為基礎構成五官或六官體系為主題。這些體系的構想主要是出於古人對天人和諧的關懷,並與當時天道與時等觀念的發展息息相關。雖然這些官制根據春生、夏長、秋收、冬藏的概念安排,但各家對於四時五行屬性的不同理解,使得各家所建構的官制沒有統一的型態。 第四章的主題以三公九卿的體制為主題。這一體制的出現主要是因應秦漢帝國的統一,時人通過充實古制的內容以作為當代政權的參考。到了西漢中期,時人更引用「官制象天」等概念詮釋這套體系。 最後,總結以上對理想職官的分析,指出古代政治觀念所蘊含的宗教性,以及儒家對先秦以來政治概念的吸收與改造。


In this thesis, I intend to point out the political ideas from warring states to Han by analyzing the conceptions of bureaucracies and narratives of official history in texts from these periods, focusing especially on the role of government in the relation between human and heaven. In introduction, I review discussions on the relations between political thoughts and actual institutions. The common terms used in these discussions, autocracy and bureaucracy, come from political science and sociology. However, scholars have reflected whether the western terms interpret traditional Chinese history appropriately in recent studies. In chapter 2, I illustrate two political ideas, “Yang Guan Fu Cha” (仰觀俯察, sage kings established their institutions according to their analysis of Nature) and “Zuo Jiao Hua Min” (作教化民, sage kings established their institutions for cultivating the people) by analyzing the history of government offices narrated in the preface of Hanshu Baiguangongqingbiao (《漢書•百官公卿表》, Table of Nobility Ranks and Government Offices in Book of Han) by Ban Gu (班固) and Wuxingdayi Lunzhuguan (《五行大義•論諸官》, On government offices in Great Meaning of the Five Phases) by Xiao Ji (蕭吉). In chapter 3, I focus on “the Five Offices” (五官) and “the Six Offices” (六官) based on the four seasons or the five phases. The conception of offices intends to achieve the harmony between human and heaven, whose nature is altered by people’s knowledge in different times. Although the offices in these conceptions are arranged by birth of spring, growth of summer, harvest of autumn and storage of winter, there are some differences in details according to the designers’ understanding of seasons or phases. In chapter 4, I focus on San Gong Jiu Qing (三公九卿, three ducal ministers and nine ministers), in which the number of positions triples by descending gradations of offices. The institution takes precedents as its reference and may have been created in Qin and early Han regimes when the government rules the reunited China. It is interpreted with ideas like “Guan Zhi Xiang Tian” (官制象天, Official regulations take Heaven as image) during the mid-Han. In the end, I conclude the analysis of the conception of governments and point out the religious aspects in traditional political ideas. The ideas have been absorbed and transformed by Confucians in later history.


徐復觀,《兩漢思想史 卷二》。臺北:臺灣學生書局,1989。
