  • 學位論文


Passive Income Streams via Cryptocurrency and Decentralized Finance Personal Business Plan

指導教授 : 曹承礎




Throughout my time in the Global MBA program, I have had this lingering vision on how I can create something tangible and useful with all the knowledge I’ve acquired. Something that I’m passionate about, can directly apply my new knowledge to and, most importantly, something I can start immediately and earn enough money to live my desired lifestyle. In short, my answer to all these considerations is cryptocurrency. The past few years have seen remarkable growth of the crypto market with new projects hitting the market on a daily basis and user adoption rate growing in parallel to that of internet adoption over 30 years ago (refer to Appendix 1 2). I believe that the crypto industry is the way of the future and I intend to devote a serious portion of my life to its evolution and profit yielding opportunities. In this thesis I will provide not merely just a business plan, but also some fundamental concept and terminology explanation, a wide variety of different ways on how to generate passive income, and lastly how to develop and scale-up these passive income streams beyond a personal wealth strategy and into a viable and scalable business. I will provide detailed explanation as to what these passive income generating methods are with the use of analytic tools learned during my time in the GMBA program.


5 Crypto Trading Bots Strategies [2022 Updated] – CaptainAltcoin, Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://captainaltcoin.com/crypto-trading-bots-strategies/
11+ Cryptic Cryptocurrency Canada Statistics for 2021, Retrieved March 18, 2022, from https://reviewlution.ca/resources/cryptocurrency-canada-statistics/
A Guide to Crypto-Friendly Countries, Get Golden Visa, Retrieved March 5, 2022, from https://getgoldenvisa.com/crypto-friendly-countries
ApeCoin Airdrop, Claim Up to 10,950 APE free APE tokens, Retrieved April 6, 2022, from https://airdrops.io/apecoin/
ApeCoin price, APE chart, and market cap, CoinGecko, Retrieved April 6, 2022, from https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/apecoin
