  • 學位論文


War and Colonization: Japan's Inclusive Policies in Colonial Taiwan, 1944-45

指導教授 : 陳翠蓮


戰後日本大藏省所製作的資料強調,日本對殖民地的支配與西方國家的「普通殖民地」不同,即不歧視當地住民,而是實現與內地人平等化。該資料亦評價其中「處境改善」政策是為了「消滅(外地人)與內地人之間區別對待」的「劃時代的」政策。 「處境改善」政策是自1944年到1945年間在小磯國昭內閣下受到討論、決定或實施的一系列政策。這政策可分為對居於外地的人民賦予國政參政權的「政治處境改善」政策以及在臺灣和朝鮮施行的各種法律制度的「一般處境改善」政策兩個部分,其內容非常廣泛。從歷史的角度來看,此政策是在二次大戰戰敗前,日本政府對殖民地統治所進行的最後的大規模改革與改變統治方式,其決策內容可以說是日本殖民地統治的集大成。 基於其政策的重要性,本文對臺灣的「處境改善」政策的內容、實施過程、人民(在臺內地人和本島人)的意見以及政策的效果進行全面性的研究,以及進一步思考日本政府對殖民地被支配者的「同化」和「平等化」,抱持何種看法。 本文透過研究,得到如下的五個發現。第一,政策的背景與契機有兩種因素。一是戰爭的影響,即外地人民開始負擔徵兵義務後,讓政府感到需要一些措施對以往的差別待遇加以一些改變。二是在1944年對這議題長期保持關心的小磯國昭成為總理大臣。 第二,透過研究這政策的研究過程,可觀察到在調查會有相關人員或機關提出不同的意見,得知儘管是戰時末期,統治機關並不是團結一致的存在,各個機關仍是為了各自立場及運作上的利益而提出各種主張而進行談判。 第三,這政策的重點在於儘快得到成案,並讓外地人民知道政府有措施。因此,得到的成案儘管包含一些矛盾或涉及到殖民地支配的核心問題,但這些問題都沒有得到解決。而且,政策內容並不是徹底的改革,而是小規模的「改善」。 第四,由於這政策並不是徹底的改革,而且一些政策並不符合本島人的需求,這政策讓本島人感到自己的處境受到改善的效果非常有限。而且這些政策可能引發在臺內地人的不滿。 第五,透過這政策全面性研究,本文認為這政策難以成為日本政府將要實現內地人和外地人之間平等化的足夠根據。


日治時期 臺灣 殖民地 處境改善 參政權 同化 平等化


The Ministry of Finance of Japan published documents after the Second World War portraying Japanese colonization as fundamentally different from Western colonization. Japanese colonial policies, in the Ministry’s view, aimed to realize equality for all its subjects, whereas Western colonial powers only furthered discrimination against their colonialized subjects. The Ministry’s descriptions about the Inclusive Policies (Syogu-kaizen-seisaku) in particular, refer to the Policies as an epochal shift because they were intended to eradicate the differences in treatment between ethnic Japanese (Naichi-jin) and the colonized subjects in Taiwan and Korea (collectively, Gaichi-jin). The Inclusive Policies were a series of policies carried out between 1944-1945 under the leadership of Prime Minister Koiso Kuniaki. They may be further categorized as “Political Inclusive Policies”, policies that gave voting rights to subjects in Taiwan and Korea (Gaichi), and General Inclusive Policies, ones that revised laws and regulations in the Gaichi. From a historical point of view, the Inclusive Policies were the last major decisions that the Japanese Government undertook in Taiwan and Korea. They may thus be regarded as the culmination of Japan’s colonial project. This thesis considers the Inclusive Policies from their inception, the decision-making process, the actual content of the policies as written, their enforcement, their effects on colonized subjects in Taiwan, as well as the opinions of the people in Taiwan at the time. There are four findings: First, two important factors triggered the inception of the Inclusive Policies. One was the war factor. The need to draft colonized subjects in Taiwan and Korea made the Japanese Government consider changes to the treatment of colonized subjects. The other factor was the Prime Minister of the day, Koiso Kuniaki, who had been long concerned about equality between the Naichi and Gaichi. Second, the decision-making process was far from straightforward. The committee members were of diverse backgrounds and represented different Ministries and institutions, which in turn had their own perspectives on equality. The heterogeneous discourse that resulted demonstrated how non-monolithic the Japanese Government was at the time. Third, the policies were both limited and contained contradictions that prevented Japanese dominance over its colonies because the priority had been to produce a definite plan in the shortest time possible. This was mostly due to the perception that the government had to let the populace know that the government was working on a plan for them. The resulting limitations meant that the policies were more of a minor reform than a successful revamp of previous colonial policies. The contradictions also remained unresolved up till the very end of the colonial period. Fourth, because the policies were limited in nature, the effects of the policies were also greatly limited. In conclusion, there is little evidence to demonstrate that the Inclusive Policies were indeed evidence of Japan’s colonial project to further equality between its citizens at home and in its colonies.


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