  • 學位論文


Implementing Organizational Culture by Organizational Change: A Case Study of a Preventive Medicine Organization

指導教授 : 陸洛


組織領導者在面對內、外環境改變,或是追求組織成長、改變目標等不同情況時,很有可能會採取組織變革的方式來改變組織的制度、作法或是文化。但即使不同型態的組織,領導者在變革時皆會遇到許多領導、管理以及溝通等課題,此外可能出現的排斥、抗拒以及阻礙也是領導者必須面對的。 此篇研究即是以實際的組織變革案例探討變革中領導者的領導風格、管理技巧與變革歷程等,透過深入訪談當事人的方式得到不同職位的組織成員對於此次變革的看法,並以個案研究法將案例過程整理之,再對照變革分析此個案背後的管理意涵。 個案中的組織為一預防醫學機構,而此集團的副總T副總為了使組織更加落實組織文化的核心理念,決定發起組織變革,最後順利達到目標。本篇研究的研究人員認為雖然各個組織的型態與領導人的風格皆有所不同,但透過實際案例的呈現與分析,仍能整理出許多可供其他組織領導者參考之處,故以此案例作為研究的對象與主題。


When the environment or the goal of the organization changes or the organization is pursuing organizational growth, the leader of an organization may change the policy, operation way or culture by organizational change. When the leader is leading an organizational change, he or she must face many issues of leadership, management or communication even in different kinds of organization. Moreover, they may face resistance and obstacles during the process, too. This research discusses the leadership styles, management skills and the process of organizational change through the real case, and interviewed with different people in different positions to get their opinion in this organizational change, then uses case-study method to analyze the management issue in this case. The organization in this case is a preventive medicine organization, and the vice general manager, Mrs. T, wanted to implement their organizational culture in their organization, so she decided to lead an organizational change, and in the end she succeeded. This research wants to analyze this successful case and hopes the result of this research can be the reference of other leaders when they want to initiate an organization change.


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