  • 學位論文


A Study on the Innovative Approach of Smart Hospital Design and its Business Applications

指導教授 : 李吉仁


隨著社會的進步及人口結構的改變,對於醫療服務的品質及需求量都大幅增加。科技的發展,使得健康醫療產業的競爭更加多元化,且興敗週期大幅縮短。醫療院所是傳統醫療服務的場域,醫療建築作爲醫療服務的載體,老舊過時的硬體設施,往往是醫療服務品質提升的的障礙;而醫療建築產業鏈,在科技進步的浪潮中,也面臨產業升級的挑戰。本研究探討醫療建築納入科技的可能性,考量利害關係人的需求,探討智慧醫院的建置條件,並依據智慧醫院建置條件,整理出一套快速興建智慧醫院,並增加醫院在興建完成後的使用效能的執行方式。 本研究以智慧醫院建置做為研究主題,採用質性分析方法,透過文獻探討與現況觀察,收集回顧以往傳統興建醫院的相關資訊,從醫院最初階段的設計到後期的營運維護,中間花費的時間與投資成本,到最後智慧醫院的綜合性能表現結果,加以分析,並整理現今科技的發展程度與應用層面。接著,本研究以AIM醫院為例,探討AIM智慧醫院建置團隊,以及醫療團隊成員對於建置智慧醫院之籌建需求,來探討執行智慧醫院建置,並總結智慧醫院結合設計建造流程和營運的優勢。 總結本研究目的,在結合設計思維及對新科技的探討,為醫院營運及醫療服務提供品質標準,也為整體醫療建築產業提出產業創新的可能性。未來科技的發展,或許醫療服務將不限於現今的醫療建築場域,唯有不斷創新,才能保持競爭優勢。


With the changes in the social demographic structure, the quality and demand for medical services have increased significantly. The development of science and technology has also made the competition of the healthcare industry much greater. Hospital is major architectural environment for medical services traditionally. Hospitals considered as the platform of medical services. obsolete healthcare facilities are often the threshold for improving the quality of medical services. In the technological era, the healthcare architectural industry's eco system is also facing the challenge of industrial upgrading. This research has explored the possibilities of incorporating technology into healthcare building, all stakeholders' needs, and smart hospitals' lean building process. The focus of the thesis is on the construction of smart hospitals and how smart designs and construction methods can be extended to create smart healthcare at home and within the community. The research shows that smart construction can enhance the quality of medical service while at the same time reduce the cost in manpower. The author uses AIM hospital as an example. With studies on service blueprints, interviews, and hierarchical analysis methods, I investigate the needs of the construction team as well as the medical team of the hospital. Through analysis on strategies, I also probe into the execution in the building of the smart hospital and conclude with a discussion on the possible challenges and strengths in the construction of smart hospitals. This research has incorporated design thinking and technology integration. This approach provides optimized processes for smart hospital design-build . The innovative idea can also apply to the medical construction industry related. With the continuing development of technology, health services will be no limits in the current field. I believe the best way to maintain a competitive edge is continuing innovation.


