  • 學位論文


A Teaching Management System based on Instant Message Architecture

指導教授 : 李肇林


本論文提出一個可以讓使用者透過像MSN Messenger這類即時通訊軟體進行教學活動之架構並實作系統功能。 系統的運作主要是在Web網站上執行一個具有廣播與通知功能的MSN機器人。透過廣播方式,師生之間可以進行線上交談、群組討論等互動教學,配合資料庫的運用更可將對話訊息儲存並做分析或管理。而機器人也能利用通知功能,主動將教學管理者所發佈的相關消息即時通知已在MSN網路上的學生,離線者也將於下次登入MSN時便收到通知。 本系統可在使用者不需安裝其他軟體的情況下實現某些同步與非同步的教學功能。在未來無線網路的普及和即時通訊軟體多樣功能的配合下,達到行動學習的目的。


This thesis designs and implements a teaching platform based on Microsoft's instant message architecture. The major part of this platform is the IM (Instant Message) robot which resides in the web server and is capable of actively informing and broadcasting. Using the IM robot, a teacher can interactively instruct his/her students and discuss with them to perform a synchronous course. In addition to the synchronous course, this platform can be use to perform an asynchronous course. The teacher can prepare ahead and schedule his/her teaching materials and the IM robot will inform the students as soon as they login to the instant message network. Wireless networking is becoming more popular than ever and instant message software is available in many mobile devices. Upon this teaching platform, the mobile e-leaning architecture will be expected.


e-learning mobile learning Instant Message


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