  • 學位論文

數位內容產業分析 -- 以 e-learning為例

E-learning Industry Aanlysis

指導教授 : 湯明哲


如何開啟無國界線上學習,讓知識分享能跨越時差並且打破傳統的教育訓練,因受限於時間與空間的安排,而無法滿足企業與在職進修人士的需求,解決之道即是e-learning 產業的興起以及公司、企業等的大量資源投入。隨著e-learning產業的問世,不僅降低了教育訓練人力的使用,並促使企業成本大幅降低,而運用e-learning產業同時精簡了教材內容編輯流程,課程內容一次製作可多次運用。有效的規劃及導入數位內容學習系統,能建立與推動起企業知識的分享與學習文化,將多元化的資訊,包括課程架構與教案的深度及廣度等作有效率的編輯,讓員工或在職進修人士,可以就個人學習規劃,安排各式各樣適合自己的課程,進而提升企業員工素質與增強個人競爭力。 本研究的重點將著眼於台灣e-learning產業的運用範圍,並加以分析先驅者失敗的內、外在因素,這些外在因素最主要是包括消費者習慣未養成,再加上整個大環境的不成熟,政府機構的配套措施不夠完善,如教育部未授予遠距教學學位,而先驅者失敗的內在因素,包含了市場目標錯誤、產品並不符合市場需求、公司財務規劃不當及公司營運模式不良等。 E-learning產業在台灣已有八年的發展歷史,這麼多年來有許許多多知名的企業、補教業者、出版業者、各大學學校等陸陸續續的投入,也有許多創業者前仆後繼的加入,而在數位內容發展過程中有公司退出,也有公司終究能夠站穩腳步,然而,若想放眼全球市場,台灣數位學習業者仍有很長的路要走,經營者亦有許多必須要經過的修煉,未來的數位學習業者的決勝點因已經不在技術產品,而將是在市場需求面、策略的運用面及人力資本成本分析面這三項構面上決戰。本論文將從2005年回顧近年來e-learning產業的發展趨勢及未來應發展的方向,並探究e-learning產業所面臨最嚴峻的挑戰及e-learning產業在現今大環境中所要克服的障礙。




Unlike traditional on-job training methods, e-learning industry, associated with infusion of corporate resources, is emerging and able to satisfy people who tend to learn or share knowledge without limits of space and time. The advent of e-learning industry can not only reduce the demand of manpower on education or training but lower costs of the operations significantly due to simplified editing process of training materials and scalability of the industry.。 A systematic e-learning program with well-structured contents will help build a knowledge sharing culture of the company, and arrange tailor-made on-job training agenda for employees as well. Moreover, it will have a positive effect on improvement of productivity, quality of labors, and corporate and individual competitiveness. E-learning has developed in Taiwan for eight year, and entrants included many famous enterprises, cram schools, publishers, universities and so on. Not all the entrants have enjoyed the profits during the period and exited the industry. The purpose of the research is to investigate the scope of e-learning application in Taiwan and to identify the factors of failures of pioneers’ entry. We will review the e-learning industry development in the past, current challenges, and barriers to overcome in Taiwan, and suggest the future orientation of the industry. Our finding suggest that external factors of losses of e-learning operators in Taiwan are mainly that there are not enough pioneering consumers and early adopters in the demand side, and governmental degree granting regulation is not supportive in the supply side. In addition, the failures of pioneering entrants resulted from inappropriate market position, product unattractiveness, lack of well-organized financial programs, and underperformed business models. To compete internationally, e-learning operators of Taiwan should focus on three aspects, rather than product technology, including creating market demand, strategic thinking and implantation, and benefit and cost analysis on human capitals.




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