  • 學位論文


Effects of Habitat Management on Waterbirds in Guandu Nature Park, Taipei, Taiwan

指導教授 : 李培芬




Habitat management is a way to slow down terrestrialisation in wetlands and variation of avian diversity and distribution can be the index to estimate results of habitat management. Hypotheses tests here are (1) habitat improving project (HIP) will increase the abundance and richness of birds; (2) responses of guilds to HIP will differ; (3) spatiotemporal distribution of water birds will affected by HIP. Study area is in Guandu Nature Park and datum collected by Wild Bird Society of Taipei (1998-April 2005) and the author (February 2004-April 2005). Aerial photographs at the same time are used to determine the change of landscape. The results show that the increase of richness of birds is significant and the responses of guilds to HIP are different. Variations of abundance and richness of waterbirds from February 2004 to April 2005 are mainly influenced by seasons and may also be affected by HIP. Distribution of waterbirds changes after HIP, but effects of distributions of guilds to HIP are different. Time lag, carrying capacity, human and dog disturbance could be the factors that affect the responses of waterbirds to HIP.


habitat management terrestrialisation wetland waterbird guild GIS


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