  • 學位論文


Development of a Multi-functional Motion Analysis Software System

指導教授 : 呂東武


臨床動作分析己被廣泛運用在神經骨骼肌肉系統疾病之診斷以及其相關治療的規劃與評估,但在臨床應用上仍然有其瓶頸存在。其中之一的原因為大多數商業動作分析套裝軟體皆是針對步態週期進行分析,其他功能性動作,例如由坐到站,則並不適用。並且目前動作分析套裝軟體大多內建固定的人體模型,因此無法因應不同受試者族群的需要彈性使用技術性皮膚標記。由於目前尚未有具備高自由度並且適合缺乏程式經驗及相關背景知識的臨床人員使用的動作分析軟體,若想要針對走路以外的功能性動作或是不同皮膚標記黏貼方式進行分析,勢必只能耗費大量時間與心力自行發展分析程式。 本研究之目的即為發展一套具備高自由度的人體動作分析軟體系統。僅需將實驗資料輸入本系統,即可獲得該實驗回合中受試者下肢各關節的角度、力矩與功率。本系統可制定多種功能性動作的週期,包含走路、由坐到站、上樓梯、下樓梯與跨越障礙物,並提供讓使用者彈性選用技術性皮膚標記以及利用視窗介面自行修改或定義下肢模型的功能。 此外,本研究利用HMA進行分析,比較使用Helen Hayes、 Cleveland以及本實驗室所發展的模型在不同功能性動作下的運動學與力動學參數的異同,同時探討使用不同種類的皮膚標記對於結果的影響。結果顯示本實驗室的模型整體而言重複性較佳,並且發現運動學以及力動學參數與局部座標系統的定義方式有很密切的關係。


Clinical motion analysis is used widely on the diagnosis of patients with locomotor pathology and subsequent planning and assessment of treatment. However, there are still limitations when apply it to clinical issues. One of these limitations is that most commercial motion analysis software packages can only determine gait cycles, so they can not be applied to other functional activities, for example: sit-to-stand. Furthermore, these software packages using fixed built-in marker systems are insufficient for situations of using technical markers. Researchers or clinicians who lack programming experience or background knowledge must spend a great deal of time programming to analyze various functional activities or various marker systems since no general motion analysis software is available. The purpose of this study was to develop a general motion analysis software system named Human Motion Analyzer (HMA) which can be applied to various functional activities, including level walking, sit-to-stand, stair-climbing, stair-descending and obstacle crossing, and calculate with technical markers flexibly. Besides, a graphical user interface is provided to define lower limb model for users' purposes. In addition, we utilized HMA to analyze various functional activities of three models: Helen Hayes, Cleveland and a model developed by our laboratory, and compared the kinematic and kinetic parameters of the three models. We found the repeatability of the model developed by our laboratory was better, and the construction of an embedded coordinate system had great influence on the kinematic and kinetic parameters.


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