  • 學位論文


Effect of feed supplement with recombinant Insulin-like growth factors on the growth of the Japanese eel (Anquilla japonica) and Marble goby(Oxyeleotris marmoratus)

指導教授 : 廖文亮 博士


本研究探討在飼料中添加不同的重組類胰島素成長因子(Insulin-like growth factors,IGFs)對日本鰻與筍殼魚成長的影響。研究分別是以日本鰻與筍殼魚兩種不同試驗魚種,以每100g飼料中添加重組類胰島素成長因子第一型及第二型(IGF-I、IGF-II)的大腸桿菌(E.coli)粉末0.5g及0.018g。其純度為每1g大腸桿菌含有0.4及6mg的IGF-I與IGF-II。。試驗一,探討日本鰻飼料在含有57%的魚粉中添加不同的IGFs對其影響成長。魚體初重為2.11 ± 0.13g,試驗為8週。結果顯示對照組的增重率為56%、飼料效率為19%。飼料中添加E.coli生產的IGF-I與IGF-II粉末,增重率為75及58%、飼料效率為23及21%。試驗二,探討筍殼魚飼料在含有53%的魚粉下,添加不同的IGFs對其成長的影響。魚體初重為16.36 ± 0.47g,試驗為12週。試驗結果顯示對照組的增重率為74%、飼料效率為57%。飼料中添加E.coli生產的IGF-I與IGF-II粉末,具有較好的成長效果,增重率為87及85%、飼料效率為71及69%。在飼料中添加E.coli生產的IGF-I 0.5g粉末有較好增重率與飼料效率。根據試驗結果推測,在飼料中添加重組類胰島素成長因子第一型可促進日本鰻與筍殼魚的生長效果。


Abstract The experiments were conducted to study the effects of IGFs in diet of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) and Marble goby(Oxyeleotris marmoratus).. Experiment I investigated fish meal(57%)supplement to insulin-like growth factors of tilapia procreate form recombinant E coli IGF-I and IGF II in diet of Japanese eel(initial body weight 2.11 ± 0.13g ;7.43 ± 0.28g)on the 8 weeks. The three diets separately control、to add IGF-I contain in E. coli 0.5 g and IGF-II contain in E. coli 0.018g per 100g diet . The result of the experiment II is that to feed the diet to add IGF-I contain in E-coli has the best weight gain(75%;79%) and feed efficiency( 24%;20%) in the Japanese eel . Experiment II investigated fish meal(53%)supplement to insulin-like growth factors of tilapia procreate form recombinant E coli IGF-I and IGF II in diet of Marble goby(initial body weight 16.36 ± 0.47g) on the 12 weeks. The three diets separately control、to add IGF-I contain in E. coli 0.5 g and IGF-II contain in E. coli 0.018g per 100g diet . The result of the experiment I is that to feed the diet to add IGF-I contain in E-coli has the best weight gain 87% and feed efficiency 71% in the Marble goby. The data suggest that Japanese eel and Marble goby feed the diet of the supplement of IGF-I have the better growth rate than the others.


IGF-I IGF II Japanese eel Marble goby


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陳信輔(2014)。飼料中添加螺旋藻粉及重組類胰島素成長因I 對菊池氏細鯽成長之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02933
