  • 學位論文


Organizational Strategy and Innovation in Banking

指導教授 : 湯明哲
共同指導教授 : 陳業寧(Yeh-Ning Chen)


21世紀全球的銀行正面臨著幾項重大的轉變,包括全球性的併購重整,銀行從過去本土社區式的競爭到今天要面對區域或國際的競爭;銀行與其他金融機構的跨業行銷,諸如保險、基金、證券、結構式產品等,使銀行產品更多樣化;隨著科技的進步,隨著電子銀行(internet banking)的問世,銀行的通路已不再侷限於過去的分行管道,虛擬通路的加入,使銀行通路更加多元化。 在台灣的銀行業更面對著嚴峻的環境,壓縮的利差,過度競爭的市場(over banking),卡債風暴,以及變動的法規與財經政策,銀行業者面對的不再是一個穩定的市場結構。面對大環境的轉變,銀行業者亦無法再墨守成規,而應利用新世紀所帶來的機會以作為自身發展的利基。 本報告著重於研究本國銀行在面對這樣的環境之下,在組織策略上所作調整與轉變。組織設計乃配合著公司的策略而來,也代表著公司的企業文化。從台灣銀行業的組織發展上可看出台灣銀行業從一穩定、官僚、社區式的型態,逐漸轉變為積極開拓業務、服務導向的型態。但在轉型當中亦暴露出許多專業上的盲點。本報告分析本國銀行過去以分行為導向的組織架構到以事業群為主體的架構的各項優劣點,進而從大環境轉變影響的思考下,針對以客戶為導向的前提,提出銀行內部如何因應此變局的未來展望與建議。 在21世紀的知識經濟時代?堙A決勝關鍵不在於資本或勞力,而在於人才。公司的領導者必須全面性的以市場導向來設計組織,培養人才,有效管理知識,建立績效衡量指標。本研究報告所提的組織設計及重整,皆需公司的領導高層的強力主導,使銀行上下的主管皆秉持此觀念,如此才能適應外在變動環境,建立持續性的競爭優勢,並帶給企業持續的成長。


The banking industry is facing major changes in the 21 century. The changes include the banking consolidation from merger and acquisition, diversification of the banking products and the proliferation of the sales channel such as internet banking. Taiwanese banking industry is facing severe external environment. It faces slim margin of the interest spread, over-banking, credit card crisis and changing regulation. The banks at Taiwan have to adapt and adjust themselves for survival and growth. This report is focusing on the Taiwanese banks organization strategy over the past years and future development. Organization design is based on the corporate strategy and culture. Taiwanese banks’ organization transformation shows that the management style of the industry has changed from community-type, stable and bureaucratic oriented to aggressive, marketing and service oriented. But there are problems derived from the transformation. The card crisis is a good example. The Taiwanese banking organizations have been changed from branch-oriented to strategic business unit (SBU) oriented. This report analyzes the transformation of the Taiwanese bank organization and presented their strength and weakness. Then, this report presents an innovative organization design based on the customer centric concept which is considered to be a more powerful and flexible organizational design for the new banking era. In the 21 century knowledge based economy, the key success factors are not in capital, land or labor, it is talent. The corporate leaders have to redesign their organization based on market mechanism in order to develop talent, manage knowledge and build performance measurement. When a well-developed organization design is in place, the bank will gain a persistent competitive advantage, raise the reward and reduce the risk from the external environment.


3. 中央銀行金融統計月報,2007年3月
14. 常如玉,公營金融事業機構組織變遷之研究-以台北銀行為例,2004
3. Bligh, Philip and Douglas Turk, 2004, “CRM Unplugged: Releasing CRM’s Strategic Value”
5. Burke, W. Warner, 2002, “Organization Change: Theory and Practice” CA: Sage Publications.
6. Castells, Manuel, 1996, “The Rise of the Network Society”. Oxford: Blackwell.

