  • 學位論文


Dynamic Relation of Hydrology-Soils-Vegetation Effect On Uca formosensis In San-Sun Wetland

指導教授 : 張文亮


台灣招潮蟹(Uca formosensis)屬於台灣特有種,並且為瀕危物種,目前以新竹市香山濕地之海山罟所觀察到的數量最豐富,香山濕地是北台灣最大的鹽分灘地,台灣招潮蟹棲息於高潮帶,同時與優勢種弧邊招潮蟹(Uca arcuata)、清白招潮蟹(Uca lactea)共域。前者棲息於紅樹林帶邊緣的黏土與黏質壤土、後者則是選擇植物密度低、排水良好的砂質黏質壤土。本研究以海山罟為例,深入調查台灣招潮蟹微棲地土壤特性,得到棲地土壤質地為壤土與砂質壤土,粒徑組成以砂粒(45.5% ± 8.5%)與坋粒(36.4% ± 6.5%)為主。 台灣招潮蟹不適合生活在過於還原態的土壤環境,而影響土壤氧化還原電位變化的因子為有機質與植物根系,有機質是主要的還原劑,植物根系也是氧化還原反應重要的參與者,皆使得土壤氧化還原電位降低。台灣招潮蟹棲地土壤總有機碳含量為0.45% ± 0.10 %、土壤的氧化還原電位為-22 ± 7 mv,呈還原態。因此欲復育台灣招潮蟹棲地,建議粒徑組成宜含砂量高、黏粒含量低、裸露無植生覆蓋的高潮位灘地。


Abundance, biomass and population structure of three fiddler crabs(Uca lactea, U. arcuata and U. formosensis) vary in San-Sun where presents salt marsh. The first two species are conspicuous and ubiquitous. Uca lactea inhabits sandy shore and U. arcuata dwells muddy one of the mangrove forest above the high water level of the neap tide. They are co-habitat with Uca formosensis which is endemic to Taiwan. The recently researches already indicate that U. formosensis prefers muddy shore. This study investigates their microhabitats and figures out in depth that the soil textures of U. formosensis’ are Loam and Sandy loam (Sand 45.5 %±8.5 % and Silt 36.4 % ±6.5 %) in the upper tidal zone without mangrove. High values of soil organic carbon and vegetation would lead to negative one of oxygen reduction potential which doesn’t suit Uca formosensis. In U. formosensis’ habitat, soil organic carbon is 0.45 % ±0.10 % and the value of soil 2nd-ORP is -22 ± 7 mv which refers reduction level. To sum up, the important strategy to conserve U. formosensis is creating a habitat with more sand, less clay and zero vegetation.


Uca formosensis Salt marsh Soil-ORP Soil texture


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