  • 學位論文


A Study on the Marketing Strategy Research of Medical Tourism Industry Development in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


高齡化社會產生了大量的醫療照護需求與依賴,加上整合觀光與醫療的心身靈觀念形成,觀光醫療產業遂成為目前全球成長最快、最富生機的產業之一。 本研究採用質化研究,藉由搜尋整理各國發展觀光醫療的相關文獻暨實務做法,並藉由專家深度訪談,透過STP分析,歸納出台灣發展觀光醫療的4P行銷策略。研究目的有三:(1)台灣觀光醫療市場SWOT分析,藉以了解台灣相較於其他競爭者的利基與困境;(2)台灣觀光醫療的STP,以找出台灣的定位及商機;(3)台灣推動觀光醫療之行銷策略,探究在產品、價格、通路與推廣可採行的做法。 本研究將「觀光醫療」作最廣義的定調,將政府冀望推動的「國際醫療」,與民間強打的「旅遊醫療」,合併定義為「觀光醫療」。在特殊國際醫療上,首推項目為肝臟移植、顱顏重建、心血管手術、人工生殖、關節置換等五項;至於旅遊醫療則以雷射近視、健康檢查、整形美容、牙科、中醫五項選擇性醫療服務為主。 觀光醫療行銷4P策略如下: 一、產品策略:依長期治療、特色醫療、休閒服務與長住休養照護四類發展。 二、價格策略:以成本法、競爭法、品牌定價法為基準,參考顧客類型,訂出國際標準的區隔收費、顧客導向的透明價格與一次滿足的套裝收費等策略。 三、通路策略:分為醫療專業通路與非醫療專業通路。 四、推廣策略:包含從廣告宣傳、公共關係、銷售促銷與直效行銷來進行推廣。 在探究行銷策略後,本研究就三大方向提出具體而微的結論與建議。 第一,政策法規的推動:設立專門主管機關、授權地方、公私部門聯手合作、鬆綁法規、鼓勵通過國際認證、設立國外服務據點。 第二,醫療產業利基的發展:發展台灣具優勢項目、成功案例取經、異業結盟可擴大深度及廣度、分區發展以建立特色、感動服務、培養多方語言人才。 第三,相關業者的行銷:結合地方文化與特色、培育觀光醫療相關人才、研定短中長期目標、建立台灣觀光醫療品牌。 觀光醫療在台灣尚處於規劃與測試中,本研究則針對台灣發展觀光醫療的行銷策略,加以分析與建議,冀望提供各相關業界一些新的思考議題與決策參考。


觀光醫療 國際醫療 旅遊醫療 SWOT STP 行銷策略


Owing to the demand and dependence, the aging society needs massive medical services. Therefore, medical tourism, integrating the body-mind-spirit concept of tourism and medical treatment, has become one of the rapidest growing and the richest vitality industries around the world recently. In this research, we survey the related literatures and actual examples of medical tourism, consult many experts in depth interview, and analyze the tourism medical market by segmentation, target, and position (STP). Finally, we conclude marketing 4P strategies (including product, price, place, and promotion) for the development of medical tourism in Taiwan. In this research, there are three purposes: (1) Analyze Taiwan medical tourism industrial market by using SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) to compare other competitors (2) Find out the STP of Taiwan medical tourism industrial market, and (3) Finish the marketing 4P strategies for Taiwan medical tourism industrial market. We combine international medical and travel medical into medical tourism in this research. For international medical, there are five preferred surgery such as liver transplants surgery, head and face reconstruction, cardiovascular surgery, artificial reproduction, and joint replacement. In addition, for travel medical, we focus on laser surgery for nearsightedness, health checkup, plastic surgery, dentistry, Chinese medicine, and so on. The proposed marketing 4P strategies for medical tourism are as follows: (1) Product strategies: long-term treatment, characteristic treatment, leisure treatment, and recreation. (2) Price strategies: cost, completion, and brand pricing. (3) Place strategies: medical channel and non-medical channel. (4) Promotion strategies: advertising, public relationship, sales promotion, and straight effect marketing. After the analysis of marketing 4P strategies, this research proposes three suggestions: 1. Policy laws and regulations impetus: setting up the special controlling organization , the full authorized place unit , the public and private department to collaborate to cooperate , deregulating the law or the standard , encouraging through the international authentication, constructs internationally with connects rails the mechanism , and supposing the overseas service foothold. 2. Medical industry development: developing Taiwan to have project of the superiority, learning from experienced people, to the overseas success case with industry to form an alliance, the expansion serves deep and is broad, the district development, establishes the characteristic and the difference, affecting service ,and training the language talented person. 3. Industrial marketing: unifying the local featured culture, cultivating the talented person with the knowledge of tourism and medical treatment, planning the short-term and long-term objective, and constructing the brand of medical tourism for Taiwan. The development of medical tourism is planning and testing in Taiwan. For the development of Taiwan medical tourism, this research not only applies STP on the marketing 4P strategies, but also makes some suggestions for the government and industries.


Medical tourism SWOT STP Marketing strategies




黃聖佑(2015)。跨國肝臟移植流程之服務品質探討與設計初探: 以台北市某醫學中心為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.01545
