  • 學位論文


Adaptive Context-aware Activity Recognition in a Dynamic Smart-Home Environment

指導教授 : 傅立成




Every home has its own unique considerations for context-aware applications, and residents’ on-going activities are among the key contextual information since a smart home can rely on the information to provide attentive services whenever necessary. Ad-ditionally, in a real smart living space, the environment is dynamic in nature, which leads to various changes over time (such as sensor malfunction/breakdown, unintentional sensor triggering, preference/behavior changes of a resident, and changes in system configuration due to model upgrade, etc.) and would render a smart-home system built under the assumption of a static environment outdated; thus, such changes may later cause unreliable service-provision and unpleasant user-experience. Therefore, increasing the adaptability and reliability of a smart home will better fulfill real human needs and thus improve system practicality. In order to address the above challenges, the goal of this work is to realize adaptive context-aware activity recognition built on a flexible infrastructure; in addition, the system gathers all related information (from both residents and the environment) in a more reliable and human-centric way. By taking advantages of the flexible and cooperative interactions among the integrated smart components (which include enhanced smart objects using wireless sensor networks, ac-tuators, appliances, and adaptive learning/inference models) via the proposed infra-structure, the work will increase the accuracy of context estimation (especially on-going activities) and compensate the limitation of each smart component to improve resultant performance and robustness in a dynamic smart-home environment. Furthermore, the proposed approach enables more flexible upgrade and replacement of smart components to respond to various inevitable changes inherent in a home environment to improve the overall adaptability and practicality.


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