  • 學位論文


Consumer preference of Cheap-Fashion Brands

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


近年來,「平價時尚」快速風靡全球,諸如ZARA、GAP、H&M、UNIQLO等以「平價時尚」為名的服飾品牌無論是展店速度、單店收益還是總體獲利率都屢屢刷新紀錄,讓傳統服飾業者,甚至奢侈品牌都望塵莫及。而這股風潮也讓台灣服飾業者開始爭相模仿。然而,同樣打著「平價時尚」的旗號的台灣品牌,卻在經營不久後紛紛面臨銷售額下降、存貨增長率升高、顧客流失等現象。業界人士和專家學者認為,造成這種現象的主因是台灣業者沒有真正瞭解消費者想要什麽。 因此,本研究從消費者的角度出發,分兩個部份分析消費者在購買平價時尚服飾時的行為偏好。研究一主要是針對已有品牌和已有產品,探討基於品牌自身所具備的優勢和產品特點,它所面對的目標客群可能是哪些人,而這些人的生活形態又為何。也即,具有某種產品屬性偏好的消費者在生活形態上具有怎樣的特點。基於此,文章首先利用因素分析縮減產品屬性和生活形態的因素數量,然後根據提取出的因素對受測者進行集群分析,將受測者分別分為產品屬性偏好群和生活形態群,接著,利用對應分析畫出知覺圖,呈示出兩個集群之間的對應關係。 研究結果發現具有不同生活形態的消費者對各種產品屬性偏好也不盡相同,譬如注重服飾功能性與品質的「功能性著裝型」消費者(來自于產品屬性偏好群)在生活形態上呈現品質生活、勤儉生活和踏實顧家的特點;而品牌導向型消費者則多為注重成功與成就的拼搏成就和理智事業的生活形態群體。 研究二主要是為新品牌和新產品提供建議。文章利用聯合分析的方法找出模擬最佳產品,再輔以品牌個性的相關研究,得到消費者偏好的產品組合和品牌個性,進而為新創品牌或者新產品系列的定位提供有用的資訊。


Recently, the word “Cheap-Fashion” quickly sweeps around the world. The traditional cloth brands and even the luxury Brands suddenly found that they are too far behind to catch up with those brands which are known as “Cheap-Fashion Brands”, such as ZARA、H&M、 GAP&UNIQLO. Thoes dark horses is constantly renewing the record of exhibition speed, single-store performance and the total assets growth rate. Taiwanese cloth operators are also influenced by this trend, they began to copy the business modle of those successful Cheap-Fashion Brands, but soon faced with falling sales、 rising inventory turnover ratio and high customer defection. Industry experts and scholars think that the most likely reason is that Taiwanese players don't really understand what their consumers want. Therefore, this study talks from the perspective of consumers. Research separates into two parts to analysis consumer behavior preferences when purchasing cheape fashion cloth. Research 1 mainly services the existing brand and existing products, discussed that based on the brands’ advantages and product characteristic, which kind of customers couble be attracted,and for those so called target customers, what would their lifestyle be. First, using factor analysis to reduse the number of product attributes and lifestyle factors, and then, divide subjects into groups based on the factors from step 1. Subjects will be classified into product-attribute-preference groups and lifestyle groups respectively. Finnally, use correspondence analysis to draw a perceptual map that can present the corresponding relationship between the two clusters. With the result, we will know that customers with specific product attribute preference may live in what kind of lifestyle. Through analysis with compare we found that consumers with different lifestyles are also vary in product attribute preference, for example, the group "functional dress" who cares about the the functional and quality of cloth, distributing in 3 kinds of lifestyle: quality-life 、thrift-life and family-oriented-life. While, in the other group: group “brand-oriented”, most of them thought success and achievements are really important in their life. The second research provides advice for new brands and new products. First using the method of conjoint analysis to find out simulation optimal product, and then add the result from brand personality analysis, thus, we could conclud the most 0popular products portfolio and brand personalities. The result of research 2 can provide useful information for new brand or new product line’s positioning.


1.陳永雄(2011.7), 「台灣紡織業的發展與競爭力研究」,國立台灣大學管理學院碩士在職專班會計與管理決策組。


謝玉柔(2017)。探討擴增實境應用於客戶體驗對顧客購買行為影響 之研究—以平價服飾為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201700053
