  • 學位論文


Visual Perception Processing and Orthographic Rules in Rapid Automatic Naming of Chinese Poor Readers

指導教授 : 吳瑞屯 周泰立


閱讀為一切學習的基礎,如果無法有效閱讀,必然會降低學習效果。然而弱讀兒童卻面臨著閱讀的問題,即便他們並無智能上的障礙、受到足夠的教育、且具備相當的學習動機,然而在閱讀能力上卻始終無法達到和同年齡正常兒童相同的水準。過去閱讀障礙研究多集中於探討語音處理上的問題,但近來很多研究指出快速唸名(rapid automatic naming, RAN)能有效預測中文弱讀者的閱讀表現,然而快速自動唸名整個歷程究竟是屬於一種預測閱讀的「變項」,還是一個包含多個變項的「作業」目前還有待釐清,對於哪個變項影響唸名速度目前還未有定論,因此本計畫主要在探討視覺處理及組字規則這兩個變項是否為影響唸名低落的可能原因。分別利用行為的測量與近紅外光腦血流分析儀(near infrared spectroscopy)的認知神經測量上,探討弱讀兒童和一般兒童在快速唸名作業、視知覺處理作業以及組字規則作業上表現的差異。研究結果顯示,一般組兒童及弱讀組兒童在快速自動化唸名表現上有顯著差異,同時在視知覺處理及組字規則表現上,正常組兒童也明顯優於弱讀組兒童。弱讀兒童在這兩個作業的表現和快速自動唸名有關,且快速自動唸名可以有效預測兒童的閱讀表現,但當視知覺處理或組字規則處理等實驗變項控制後,快速自動唸名變成無法顯著預測兒童的閱讀。顯示視知覺處理或組字規則的能力可能是快速自動唸名歷程中一項重要的因子,且是影響快速自動唸名預測閱讀表現的關鍵變項。


Reading is the foundation of learning. Poor reading ability might be related with poor learning performance. Children with poor reading ability are always faced with reading problems. They might have normal intelligence, adequate education, and considerable learning motivation. However, their reading ability is still poor as compared with age-matched normal children. Many studies about dyslexia have long mainly focused on phonological awareness. Recently, some studies pointed out that the rapid automatic naming (RAN) can effectively predict the reading performance of poor readers in Chinese. However, it is still unclear which variables in RAN could account for the speed of naming. In this proposal, visual processing and orthographic rules were examined to understand their possible influence on slow naming speed. Behavioral measurement and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) were both used to explore the differential performance between normal children and children with poor reading ability during the naming task, visual perception processing task, and orthographic rules task. The results showed that children with poor reading ability perform poorer than normal children on the three tasks. It also showed that the performance of visual perception processing and orthographic rules of children with poor reading ability would covariate with RAN. RAN can effectively predict the reading performance of poor readers but can’t effectively predict when visual perception processing or orthographic rules been controlled. This demonstrated that visual perception processing and orthographic rules might be the important factors of RAN and possible influence on slow naming speed.


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