  • 學位論文

經濟學實證研究三篇: 勞動、教育與所得不平等

Three Essays in Empirical Economics: Labor, Education and Income Inequality

指導教授 : 古慧雯


本論文包含三篇經濟學實證研究, 分別研究勞動、教育與所得不平等三個主題。   第 1 章「教育投資、人力資本與勞動報酬: 為什麼高學歷攤販的利潤比較高?」藉由分析2013 年攤販經營概況調查資料, 使用攤販業主18 歲時大學入學考試的錄取率、業主18 歲時高中職升學人數和當年18 歲人口數的比率, 以及是否受到1968 年義務教育由6 年延長至9 年的影響等作為工具變數, 估計教育對攤販利潤的影響。我們發現, 攤販業主透過教育累積人力資本, 進而有助於提升其經營利潤, 這樣的因果關係受到實證結果的支持。   第 2 章「入學管道與學習表現」使用2007–14 年間入學之台大學生的學籍資料、入學考試成績和在學成績, 探討不同管道學生入學後的學業表現差異, 並藉此評估多元入學政策在台大實施的成效。我們發現, 以個人申請管道入學學生的學業成績雖然顯著優於透過指考入學的學生, 但學測成績的差異即可解釋兩者入學後學業表現的大部分差異; 控制學測成績後, 申請生和指考生的學業成績並沒有顯著差異。在繁星計畫/ 繁星推薦方面, 繁星生平均的學業表現優於申請生和指考生。這不只是來自明星高中繁星生的貢獻, 非明星高中繁星生的學業表現平均而言也顯著高於指考生。然而如果只看來自2011–15 年內無人以申請或指考進入台大的高中的繁星生, 其學業成績則顯著低於指考生。此一差異也可以用學測成績的差異來解釋; 控制學測成績後, 這些繁星生和指考生的學業成績並沒有顯著差異。   第 3 章「以國民所得會計的觀點探討台灣的所得分配」利用台灣財政部的稅務資料, 仿效Piketty, Saez, and Zucman (2018) 的方法將國民所得帳分配給每個個人, 建立國民所得的個體資料, 藉此分析台灣的所得分配、計算所得不均衡量指標、估計經濟成長果實的分配, 以及評估政府重分配政策對各所得級距組的影響。我們發現2001–2015 年間, 最高所得分額增長迅速, 經濟成長果實的分配極度不均, 政府所得重分配所涵蓋的範圍縮小, 而且所得重分配政策對降低所得不均程度的影響有限。台灣所得不均程度可能遠比官方統計所呈現的嚴重。


This dissertation consists of three essays on empirical economics research. The first chapter, “Education Investment, Human Capital and Earnings: Evidence from Street Vendors in Taiwan,” utilizes Street Vendors Survey from National Statistics, Taiwan to investigate the effect of human capital on vendor’s earnings. The 1968 compulsory education reform and the expansion of higher education are used as instrument variables and the two-stage least squares estimation indicates that human capital accumulated via educational investment significantly enhances to vendors’ profitability. The second chapter, “Multi-channel Admission and Academic Achievement,” examines academic performance of students from different recruiting channels. At the turn of this century, National Taiwan University (NTU) started to admit undergraduate students via different channels. Top rankded students at high school are considered by the Star Program. Students interested in the Application Program are first screened by their GSAT (General Scholastic Ability Test) scores, and those who pass this screening will be further evaluated by the departments. Students not admitted by these two programs take a national joint entrance examination (Exam) and will be matched with departments of various universities based on their scores. This study compares college performance of students who enter NTU via different channels. We find that students admitted by the Application Program perform better than those admitted by the Exam Program. However, this performance difference could be explained away by the difference of their GSAT scores. Star students, on average, perform better than other students. Once we focus on high schools that have no graduates entering NTU via Application or Exam Program, we find their Star students have lower college scores than other students. These Star students, usually from backward places, though lagging behind their classmates in GSAT scores, exhibit good upward mobility in their class ranks. The third chapter, “Distributional National Income Account of Taiwan,” constructs new data to provide a comprehensive view of income inequality issues in Taiwan. Following the method in Piketty, Saez, and Zucman (2018), we distribute National Income into every individualistic adult in Taiwan and use this new individual income data to (1) estimate the income distribution of the whole population and provide updated inequality measures, (2) estimate the distribution of economic growth, and (3) evaluate the effects of government’s redistribution policy in alleviating inequality. We find that Taiwan has an extremely high level of income inequality, an extremely unequal distribution of economic growth, and government redistribution policy has modest effects in improving inequality. Furthermore, from 2001 to 2015, top income shares increased rapidly, while the social safety net became thinner. All official statistics seriously underreport these issues.


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