  • 學位論文


Prevalence and clinical impact of co-existing hepatitis D virus in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in a district hospital

指導教授 : 劉俊人


研究背景 D型肝炎是一種缺陷病毒,無法獨立存在於人體,必須藉由B型肝炎病毒的幫助才能進行複製、傳播、感染其他肝細胞。之前全世界的盛行率約佔B型肝炎感染人口之2-5%,雖然不多,但D型肝炎卻是目前所知肝炎中,預後最差者之一。 根據統計,合併B型及D型肝炎患者10年內有70-80%會變成肝硬化,若進展到肝硬化,每年有2.6-3.6%會進展到肝失代償,2.6-2.8%會進展到肝惡性腫瘤。 由於過去缺乏D型肝炎病毒感染的研究試劑,這個議題在台灣已經接近20年乏人研究,特別是在地區醫院層級,D型肝炎病毒感染的狀況未曾被研究過。現在D型肝炎的臨床檢測試劑發展出來後,我們想藉由分析本院醫院B型肝炎帶原者中D型肝炎共同感染的盛行率及其臨床影響,提供其他醫療人員一個地區醫院D型肝炎的狀況,並提醒未來可能需要特別檢測追蹤D型肝炎病毒感染的病患族群。 研究方法 B型肝炎患者會定期回診,追蹤時我們進行抽血檢查AST、ALT、AFP等肝功能指數,在抽血時加驗Anti-HDV IgG,若患者Anti-HDV IgG 陽性,則收案進行研究,預計檢驗400個B型肝炎個案,收5個Anti-HDV陽性個案並檢驗其血中的HDV RNA。收集完後統計B型肝炎患者中,有D型肝炎病毒感染的比例有多少,並記錄比較D型肝炎病毒感染陽性與陰性兩個族群的年紀、性別、生化學檢查、腹部超音波發現以及是否有使用抗B型肝炎病毒藥物等。文獻上提到有B型肝炎患者若合併D型肝炎共同感染的患者有較高風險性進展到肝硬化,肝炎情形也更嚴重。我們將記錄本院的B肝與D型共同感染的患者是否也有類似情形。還有一些B型肝炎患者已經在服用抗病毒藥物,AST、ALT卻仍然居高不下,是否也有可能是D型肝炎共同感染所造成的?同時,台大醫院也正在進行類似D型肝炎的研究,我們將比較永和耕莘醫院的資料與台大醫院的資料做對比,理論上臺大醫院是醫學中心而永和耕莘醫院是地區醫院,其病患組成應有所不同,我們將有機會分析兩院區D型肝炎共同感染病患臨床特徵之異同。 分析方式 1. 以ANCOVA分析並以邏輯回歸的方式校正年紀、性別的差異來比較B型肝炎D型肝炎共同感染和單純B肝感染兩個族群間臨床表現的差別。 2. 以ANCOVA分析並以邏輯回歸的方式校正年紀、性別的差異來比較B型肝炎D型肝炎共同感染者在台大醫院和永和耕莘臨床表現的差別。 結果 在永和耕莘醫院我們共檢驗346人,驗出D型肝炎抗體陽性患者共4人,共同感染率為1.15%。此4人血清中都沒有檢驗到HDV RNA,肝硬化、肝癌、脾腫大、腹水發生率以及e抗原陽性的比率均為0%。C肝的共同感染率為25%。沒有人在使用抗B型肝炎病毒藥。本院B型肝炎患者使用抗病毒藥族群中ALT仍然異常者都沒有D型肝炎病毒感染。D型肝炎病毒抗體陽性和D型肝炎病毒抗體陰性兩個族群間相比臨床表現及生化資料均無顯著統計差別。 而台大醫院部份總共檢驗了4361人,檢驗出D型肝炎病毒抗體共89人,共同感染率2.04%。其中18位D型肝炎病毒抗體陽性病患有填寫知情同意書而接受進一步檢驗,血清驗出HDV RNA陽性者2人。肝硬化比率為22%、肝癌及腹水比率為5.6%、脾腫大比率為27.8%、e抗原陽性比率為11.1%。C型肝肝的共同感染率為0%。使用抗B型肝炎病毒藥物比率為55.6%。而D型肝炎病毒抗體陽性的族群在永和耕莘醫院與台大醫院相比,臨床表現及生化資料亦無顯著統計差別。 討論 1. D型肝炎病毒感染的盛行率 D型肝炎病毒感染在全球各地區的盛行率差異很大,台灣地區根據台北榮總吳肇卿教授所做的研究,D型肝炎病毒感染盛行率在1985-1997年間快速的減少,從23%下降到4%。吳教授把這樣的結果歸因於政府這些年來不斷推動B肝防治計畫與性病防治政令宣導、禁娼、禁毒,以致D型肝炎病毒感染的傳染路徑被阻斷有關。 但在2000年後D型肝炎相關文獻較少,只有2015年台北榮總吳肇卿教授與2018年林口長庚葉昭廷教授有發表盛行率。兩篇研究的盛行率均為4.4%。相較於兩篇文章,本研究是目前最新統計的資料,收案時間為2019年,D型肝炎病毒感染盛行率在永和耕莘醫院為1.15%,在台大醫院為2.04%。此盛行率的下降再次反應出我國公衛防治的成功,有效阻絕D型肝炎病毒的傳播。而永和耕莘醫院的盛行率僅台大一半,可能因為永和耕莘醫院僅是地區醫院,嚴重個案可能已經轉診,導致病患的嚴重性與複雜性都較醫學中心為低,D型肝炎病毒共同感染率也較低。 2. D型肝炎病毒抗體陽性與陰性患者在臨床表現上比較 之前多數研究都指出,D型肝炎是已知病毒性肝炎中最嚴重的一種,但並非每個研究都如此,過去20年來就有兩篇台灣的研究認為D型肝炎病患相比於單純B肝病患之臨床特徵並無差異 (2004年廖運範教授、2000年吳肇卿教授)。本研究中,D型肝炎病毒抗體陽性組相比於陰性組,在臨床特徵、血清及生化學數據上兩組均無顯著差異。部分的原因跟之前兩篇台灣研究相對照,會令人聯想是否台灣的D型肝炎病毒基因型與國外不同,所以臨床症狀比較輕微,可惜在本研究中,無法檢驗D型肝炎病毒基因型而加以證實。還有一個可能就是跟血清病毒陽性率有關,2019 Dr. Adriana的研究指出病情的進展與病毒血清陽性率呈正相關。本研究因4名D型肝炎患者血中均無驗出D型肝炎病毒,可能對病患肝臟發炎的影響亦有限,所以兩組之間無統計差異。 3. 血清D型肝炎病毒陽性率 在之前的研究中,D型肝炎患者80%以上會變成慢性帶原者,血清D型肝炎病毒陽性率理論上應該在70-80%之間,但在不同研究中差異很大。在本研究中血清D型肝炎病毒陽性率僅9.1% (2/22),這部分我們做出一個大膽的假設:D型肝炎病毒在經過早年性病防治、宣導、篩檢的政策執行下,已經很難有新的感染者了。當年 (1980年)之前得到的D型肝炎可以分成兩群:80%帶原者 (血清有D型肝炎病毒)快速進展到肝硬化、肝癌而死亡;其他20%復原者 (血清無D型肝炎病毒)因沒有症狀而可以存活很久。這可以解釋為什麼之前研究中D型肝炎盛行率從1985-1997年23%下降到4%後(80%帶原者快速死亡),在接下來20年間盛行率都維持不變,因為剩下者大多是無D型肝炎病毒者,臨床症狀本就不明顯,存活時間也不受影響。 4. D型肝炎病毒抗體陽性組在永和耕莘醫院與台大醫院的比較 兩者在臨床特徵、血清及生化學數據亦無統計學上的差異。此原因可能是樣本數過低 (永耕4人;台大18人),以及這些病患的血清病毒陽性率過低導致臨床症狀本就不明顯,導致統計上難有差異。 5. D型肝炎患者接觸史 過去的研究指出D型肝炎病毒傳播可藉由血液、性行為接觸,故在毒癮患者、嫖妓行為、HIV族群特別高。但本研究中D型肝炎患者幾乎沒有接觸史 (22人只有1人之前為毒癮患者),跟之前研究相比有落差。可能因為接觸史的了解是由門診時醫師或研究助理口頭詢問,這部分牽涉到隱私,回答的真實度可能有疑問。 結論 在近年政府全面B型肝炎疫苗施打計畫及政令宣導下,D型肝炎人數已逐漸下降,但並未滅絕。在永和耕莘醫院這個地區醫院的研究上看來,D型肝炎病毒感染盛行率比醫學中心低,其臨床影響也不大,但畢竟因樣本數比較少,難以代表全國其他社區的狀況,未來應擴大D型肝炎的篩檢範圍及對象,以進行更深入的研究。


Purpose. Prevalence and clinical impact of hepatitis D virus infection in Taiwan’s communities remained unclear and was thus investigated. Background. Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is a defective RNA virus, which needs help of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to enter hepatocyte for replication, assembly and transmission. Besides, HDV is believed to be one of the most severe form viral hepatitis, which lead to cirrhosis and hepatoma in majority within 10 years after infection. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is endemic in Taiwan; however, only few studies evaluated prevalence and clinical impact of HDV recently, particularly in community hospitals. Therefore, we conducted this study in a district community hospital. Materials and Methods. HDV infection in all patients with HBV infection was examined by usinging anti-HDV antibody in Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital (YCTH), a district hospital in Taiwan. The demographic, clinical and serologic characteristics and contact history were recored. After informed consent, the serum HDV RNA was also determined by a commercial assay. The clinical characteristics of the patients with anti-HDV positivity versus negativity were compared. At the same time, similar screening and assessment were done in a medical center, National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). These clinical and virologic features were also compared with those patients collected from this medical center. The comparisons of continuous variables and adjustment for confounding factors were conducted by using the analysis of covariance method, while the comparisons of category variables were conducted by using the logistic regression method. Results. Totally 346 patients with chronicHBV infection were collected assessed for serum anti-HDV during 2019 to 2020. Of them, 4 (1.15%) were positive for anti-HDV. The clinical, virological and biochemistry characteristics were similar between anti‐HDV‐positive and -negative groups. None of the 4 patients was positive for serum HDV RNA. One patient had history of using illegal drugs but the others denied using illegal drug or exposure of prostitution. Another 18 anti-HDV positive patients were identified from NTUH. 2 of the 18 patients were positive for serum HDV RNA. None of the 18 patients had history of using illegal drug or exposure of prostitution. The clinical, virological and biochemistry characteristics in anti-HDV positive groups between YCTH and NTUH were also similar. Discussion 1. Prevelance of anti-HDV: Prevalence of anti-HDV decreased from 23% to 4% during 1985-1997 and remained around 4-5% during 2000-2018 according to previous studies. Our study showed the latest data, which was collected in 2019. The prevalence of anti-HDV was 2.04% in NTUH and 1.15% in YCTH. The decline of anti-HDV prevalence rate reflected the effort of our government to promote health public policy which blocked transmission of HBV as well as HDV infection. 2. The clinical characteristics of anti-HDV positive versus negative patients: although previous studies suggested HDV infection to be one of the most severe form viral hepatitis, two studies from Taiwan had different findings. In our study, no significant differenc between anti-HDV positive and negative group was found. One reason might be due to distribution of HDV genotype. Some researchers believed HDV genotype 4 had mild clinical presentations and progression; however, we did’t perform HDV genotyping in this study. The other reason was probably due to low positive rate of serum HDV RNA. In our study, none of the 4 patients in YCTH and only 2 of 18 patients in NTUH had detectable serum HDV RNA. Inactive HDV infection may be associated with mild clinical symptoms; so no significant differenc between HDV positive and negative group was noted. 3. Low serum positive rate of HDV RNA: the positive rate of serum HDV RNA varied widely in the world. In our study only 9.1% (2/22) of the anti-HDV positive patients had detectable serum HDV RNA. Detection sensitivity of the commercial kit for serum HDV RNA should be validated further. 4. The clinical characteristics of HDV positive patients in YCTH versus NTUH: in our study, clinical characteristics of HDV positive patients between YCTH and NTUH had no difference. This findings suggested that the clinical profile of anti-HDV positive patients in district hospitals was similar to those in medical centers. 5. HDV contact history: although previous studies revealed the high correlation between HDV and illegal drug usage and exposure of prostitution, only one patient in our stuy had history illegal drug use and the others all denied contact of illegal drug or prostitution. The possibility of information and recall bias should be considered. 6. Conclusions. The prevalence of anti-HDV in local hospital was low, so as the serum HDV RNA positive rate. Co-existing HDV infection did not influence the clinical manifestation of patients with chronic HBV infection in Taiwan.


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