  • 學位論文


Personalized UAV Insurance Based on Blockchain and Decentralized UAS Traffic Management

指導教授 : 周瑞仁




無人機 區塊鏈 分散式 個人化 保險


This study proposes the calculation method of a personalized UAV insurance premium based on a blockchain structure, historical flight data of UAV and owner claims records. With the growing number and applications of UAVs, UAV accidents are heard from time to time. In order to financially protect the victims of UAV accidents, it is imperative to construct a reasonable and highly acceptable insurance premium model. Due to the lack of actuarial data, the current UAV insurance premiums in the market are only roughly categorized by UAV's ages, types, and weight. However, there are many factors that affect the chance of UAV accidents, such as flight mission, area and operator's flight performance. They all need to be considered in the premium calculation. This study establishes the decentralized storage and blockchain system of the insurance premium calculation under a decentralized UAS traffic management framework. It can achieve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of UAV flight data and insurance information. Fuzzy theory is also incorporated into the premium classification so that the premiums can have smoothly transition among low, medium, and high insurance premiums. Furthermore, we use a machine learning approach to build the personalized insurance premium model, which is able to continuously optimize systems with the influx of data and calculate insurance premiums. According to the simulation this study can indeed appropriately adjust the base insurance premium for each category, satisfy the expected benefits and achieve the purpose of personalized insurance.


UAV Blockchain Decentralization Personalization Insurance


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