  • 學位論文


The Role of Peer Delinquency on the Relationship between Self-esteem and Delinquent Involvement

指導教授 : 姚開屏
共同指導教授 : 吳齊殷(Chyi-in Wu)


本研究是希望能夠瞭解低落自尊的青少年是否傾向尋求偏差行為團體的接納;而在這個偏差行為團體中的社會化機制的影響,是否影響青少年從事偏差行為。最後,這個偏差行為團體參與的過程是否會提升原先低落自尊的青少年的自尊。本研究也試以差別結合理論(Sutherland & Cressey, 1955)討論偏差行為同儕的社會化影響機制,以及這個機制可以為原先低落自尊青少年帶來自尊揚升的作用 (Kaplan, 1980)。 本研究使用台灣青少年追蹤資料庫的國一到國三的資料討論國一的低落自尊青少年和其後來參加偏差行為團體以及偏差行為之間的關係。使用社會網絡技術中的提名資料捕捉青少年實體的偏差行為網絡。研究結果顯示國一的低落自尊青少年也會在同一年度有參加偏差行為團體以及從事偏差行為的情形,而在國一參加偏差行為團體的青少年會在國二時從事較多的偏差行為。最後,在國二從事偏差行為的青少年會在國三的時候結交更多的偏差行為朋友。使用三個年度的縱貫資料以及社會網絡提名資料的測量來捕捉瞭解青少年從事偏差行為是因為其個體自尊以及其所處社會網絡互動間的動態關係。


The purpose of this study is to examine the socialization process linked with initial low self-esteem and elevated self-esteem by integrating differential association theory (Sutherland & Cressey, 1955) and self-enhancement theory (Kaplan, 1980). This study uses three-wave Taiwan Youth Project (TYP), the first panel study of adolescents in Taiwan, to specify the relationship between self-esteem and delinquent pees participation. Applying nomination data to measure peer delinquency allows for a more specific conceptualization of delinquent peers. Findings show that low self-esteem in the 7th-grade student negatively correlates with participation in delinquent peers and individual delinquency in the same year. Moreover, adolescents participating in the delinquent peers in the 7th grade are more likely to involve in delinquent behavior in the 8th grade. Finally, adolescents with delinquent behavior in the 8th grade are apt to befriend other delinquent peers in the 9th grade. Using three-wave measurement with nomination data helps researchers to understand that interaction between self-esteem and social context which influence adolescent delinquency in dynamic way.


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