  • 學位論文


A Study of the Entrepreneurial Key Success Factors and Failure Factors

指導教授 : 李存修
共同指導教授 : 林姿婷


鑒於近年國內外在創業上,基於商業模式、產業結構、市場需求不確定性等因素,新創企業不僅創造新的價值以面對市場競爭,更興起引進社會企業理念,創造解決社會問題及經營獲利雙贏的共同目標。本研究希望透過了解國內外創業活動現況、創業環境、創業政策等,進一步分析創業成功關鍵因素,作為降低創業失敗機率之參考。再藉由實際個案的經驗價值,找出創業家創業成功及失敗之關鍵因素,藉以提高創業成功之機會。 創業家是創業活動的核心,本研究透過質性研究之個案研究法,採用半結構式深入訪談,訪談對象選取六位創業家,訪談主軸分別為:一、創業動機與背景,二、人格特質,三、創業行為,四、創業環境,四個分析構面,同時從成功及失敗二種面向切入,希望藉由創業家的創業經驗及建議,進而探討創業家人格特質與創業成敗的關連性。 研究結果發現,外在因素之創業資源、創業能力以及創業環境,雖有一定程度的輔助效益,重要是創業家本身的人格特質及創業動機與背景為造成創業成功的關鍵因素,創業動機與背景推動創業家的航向,人格特質影響創業家創業過程及企業經營上的實質行為與抉擇,進而影響創業的成敗。


Due to the uncertainty surrounding business models, industry structures, and market demands in both domestic and overseas entrepreneurship in recent years, new enterprises have not only created new value to face the market competition but also given rise to incorporating social enterprise ideas for the common goal of achieving a win-win solution to solve social problems and turn a profit at the same time. The present study seeks to further analyze some key factors in entrepreneurial success through understanding the situation with domestic and overseas enterprises, the entrepreneurial environment, and the entrepreneurial policies which serve to reduce the risk of entrepreneurial failure. Furthermore, via the experiential value from actual examples, the key factors differentiating between the success or failure of an enterprise can be determined to increase the chances of entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs are at the core of entrepreneurship, and the present study uses the methodology of qualitative research involving individual cases and employs semi-structured in-depth interviews of six selected entrepreneurs. The focus of the interviews revolved around four aspects: 1) the motivation and background of the entrepreneurs, 2) their personal character, 3) their entrepreneurial behavior, and 4) their entrepreneurial environment. At the same time, these four aspects of analysis are approached from both the facets of success and failure. It is hoped, with the experiences and suggestions of these entrepreneurs, to examine and find the connection between the personal character of entrepreneurs and their success or failure. The results of the study indicate that, despite the indirect benefits to a certain extent of external entrepreneurial resources, a person’s entrepreneurial skills, and the overall entrepreneurial environment, what is important is the relationship between the entrepreneur’s own personal character and motivation with the actual success of the enterprise. The entrepreneurial motivation and background establish the course for the entrepreneur, while personal character influences the process of entrepreneurship and actual behavior and decisions in business management, thereby having a direct influence on the chances of success or failure in an enterprise.


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