  • 學位論文


In Vivo Quantification of Melanin Mass Density by Using Third Harmonic Generation Microscopy

指導教授 : 孫啟光




In previous research, one realized in vivo virtual biopsy using higher harmonic generation microscopy based on a Cr:forsterite laser. Melanin is proved to provide strong contrasts, and the strength of these contrasts enhanced with skin type. In this study, I investigate this enhancement phenomenon. I utilized B16-F10 melanoma cell as the biological model to study in vivo melanin induced third-harmonic generation (THG) enhancement. I used the endogenous two-photon-excited fluorescence (TPEF) as the concentration indicator, and a further calibration between fluorescence and melanin mass density (MMD) had been conducted. I found a good linear relation between TPEF and MMD with R2 equal to 0.98. I took simultaneous THG and TPEF images, and the THG intensity was transformed into THG enhanced ratio by carefully selection of background THG of cytoplasm and TPEF could be transformed into MMD. The relation between the THG enhanced ratio and MMD was therefore constructed. For in vivo HG images, I found that the THG strength of basal cytoplasm without melanin is very similar to that of papillary dermis (PD). For this reason, I could use the THG of PD as the comparison standard to calculate the THG enhanced ratio. By comparing our estimation result with that derived from literature, I can verify that our result lies in a reasonable range. Finally, the first in vivo melanin mass density quantification with a submicron resolution and absolute values of melanin quantity had been realized.


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