  • 學位論文


Individual Differences in Undergraduate Students’ Collaborative Information Seeking Behavior When Working on Group Projects

指導教授 : 蔡天怡


在現今高等教育場域中,課程教學方式已由傳統的教師單方面講授,轉變為倡導學生分組協作學習,許多大學課程皆要求學生須以小組協作的方式進行實作、展演或是研究報告等等,學生必須經由溝通討論、任務分工、資訊蒐集等方式一同完成,因此,協作資訊尋求活動在學生的小組報告歷程中扮演相當重要的角色,而在影響資訊尋求行為之因素中,個人差異是一個相當重要的層面,本研究希望瞭解不同個人差異之大學生在進行課堂小組報告時,其協作資訊尋求行為之異同,並且探討隸屬於不同小組組成之大學生,其協作資訊尋求行為受小組組員影響之程度,具體的研究問題包括: 一、 大學生在進行課業相關報告之協作時,使用各種協作工具(如:即時通訊軟體)及資源管道(如:網際網路)的頻率高低為何?其主要考量因素(如:正確性)又為何? 二、 不同性別、學科、年級與人格特質之大學生,在進行課業相關報告之協作時,使用各種資源管道之頻率高低分別有何異同?其主要考量因素又有何異同? 三、 隸屬於不同小組組成(即組員的性別、年級與學科分布)之大學生,其協作資訊行為受小組組員影響之程度為何? 本研究採問卷調查法,以過去一年內曾經歷小組報告之國立臺灣大學大學部學生為對象,共回收535份有效問卷。參與本研究之大學生以女性為多,年級分布大致平均,學科領域以人文、傳播與社會相關學門之學生較多,人格特質則以慢步調者最多。本研究中,小組組成型態以單一性別、年級與科系組成佔多數,顯示大學生多以與自身個人背景相近者為組員。在協作經驗之概況方面,大學生進行課程相關之小組報告協作相當普遍,小組協作之課程類型以系內必修、選修為主;在小組協作之運作上,大學生多以集體共同決策為主,較少出現明顯的領導角色。 本研究之主要研究發現可歸納為以下三點: 一、就小組報告中的協作資訊尋求行為而言,大學生偏好使用網際網路蒐集與分享資訊,但其與組員進行協作與討論時仍偏好以實體方式進行。大學生雖然偏好利用網際網路蒐集資訊,但多數學生認為紙本資源之正確性與可信度較高。此外,大學生重視資源取得之便利性,以及所花費的金錢成本。 二、不同個人差異之大學生其協作資訊尋求行為有所不同。其中,女性、低年級、任務導向特質之學生所選擇的資訊資源與管道較為多元,而不同性別、年級與人格特質的學生對於資訊取得之成本考量存在諸多差異。 三、隸屬於不同小組組成之大學生,其協作資訊尋求行為受小組組員影響之程度有所不同。當學生隸屬於多元組成之小組時,其在資訊尋求之作法上改變程度較高,往往嘗試不同的資訊資源與管道。 本研究根據前述研究結果,提供大學教師與大學圖書館實務上之建議:在大學教師教學方面,建議教師可盡量鼓勵學生在小組報告時,採異質性分組,以增加小組組成之多元性,並善用課堂時間促成小組的實體討論,以提升組員間之熟悉度與溝通討論之意願。此外,教師亦可善用網路資源與資訊分享工具,進一步促成學生之小組協作。在大學圖書館服務方面,建議圖書館系統可根據本研究及相關研究結果,透過系統帶入之使用者之性別、年級等個人差異資料,甚至讓學生進行幾種常見情境的客製化設定(如:小組報告),並據此調整資源推薦的排序,推薦更符合學生個人差異與情境之資源。而由於大學生偏好網路資源卻對其可信度持保留態度,館員可透過多元的形式提供資訊素養教育,並提供具權威性與可信度之網路資源指引。最後,大學圖書館亦可提供各種線上協作平台之利用教育課程,讓大學生小組報告之協作更加順利。


Small-group teaching has been a preferred pedagogy in higher education. In many college courses, students are required to work in small groups. And they must complete group projects to fulfill the course requirements through communicating, discussing, and seeking information with their peers. Therefore, collaborative information seeking (CIS) plays an important role in students’ group projects. The current study would like to investigate college students’ CIS behavior when working on coursework-related group projects. The research questions of this study are as follows: 1. When working on coursework-related group projects, how often do students use various collaborative tools (e.g., instant messengers) and sources (e.g., the internet) in their information seeking processes? What are the main considerations when they select specific collaborative tools and information sources? 2. When students work on coursework-related group projects, what are the differences in the frequencies of using various sources among students with different genders, disciplines, study levels, and personality traits? 3. How likely are students within different group compositions tend to be influenced by other peers in the group while collaboratively seeking information for their coursework-related group projects? This study used a questionnaire to collect data. Participants were recruited from undergraduate students at National Taiwan University. Only those who had experiences on coursework-related group projects within the past year can participate in the current study. Among 535 valid responses, there were more female participants. While underclassmen and upperclassmen were quite evenly distributed, nearly half of the participants were from humanities, communication and social sciences. Most students were with the personality traits of either submission or compliance and were considered as slow-paced students. The results show that it is quite common for undergraduate students to work on coursework-related group projects, and the courses that required group projects were typically required and elective courses within students’ home departments. While working in groups, students mostly made decisions collectively rather than following the instruction from a specific “leader.” The major findings of the current study can be summarized as follows: 1. Students preferred using the internet to seek and share information, but they also preferred in-person discussions and believed that information derived from physical resources was more accurate and credible than information derived from the internet. While selecting sources, students typically valued convenience and the cost of accessing resources. 2. Students with different individual differences exhibit different collaborative information seeking preferences. Female, underclassmen, task-oriented students used a wider variety of information sources; students with different gender, study levels, and personality traits select information based on different criteria. 3. When students were in heterogeneous groups, they were more likely to be influenced by other peers in the small group—students were more likely to change their information seeking strategies and use a different source to gather information. Based on the research findings, this study provided several suggestions for instructors and librarians in higher education institutions. For instructors, it is important to facilitate heterogeneous group formation in class. Before group formation, it would be important for the instructor not only to encourage students to form heterogeneous groups but also to intentionally spend some course time helping students know one another. It is also important for instructors to consider using online tools and platforms to facilitate students’ engagement and collaboration. For academic libraries, library systems can recommend resources according to customized settings based on students’ individual differences and their collaborative contexts. This way, librarians can also easily recommend appropriate information resources for students who are working on coursework-related group projects. Given that students prefer using online sources with reservations on their credibility, librarians can offer information literacy courses and provide guides to credible online sources. Finally, libraries can offer library instruction courses on collaborative tools in order to help students effectively collaborate in their projects.


張秀美、曾仁佑、陳斐卿、鄭凱天(2014)。線上小組學習的發生處-以迷思概念為探針。科學教育學刊,22(2),185- 209。
