  • 學位論文


The Effect of Illegal Factories on Water Pollution in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊豐安


違章工廠於70年代開始在臺灣湧現,不少工廠為了大量生產而擴大規模,把工廠建在較便宜的農地上,造就成今天違章工廠林立於農地上的局面。違章工廠所占用的農地數目在2017年已超過13萬筆,相當於15,117公頃。縱使政府為了輔導違章工廠在地合法而屢次修訂「工廠管理輔導法」,但違章工廠至今仍然製造了不同的問題,例如違章工廠的不當運作會產生有害物質,這不但會傷害到人類健康,還會對環境造成危害。 過往文獻大多專注於研究水污染對人類健康之影響以及工業區水污染的源頭,甚少以違規的工廠為研究對象,也較少量化違章工廠與水污染之間的關係。有鑑於此,本研究希望透過計量模型,探討違章工廠對水污染所帶來的影響。我們將採用水質與違章工廠的相關資料,先以普通最小平方法作為實證模型,估算違章工廠占用的農地面積對河川與地下水重金屬含量之影響。但由於模型存在內生性的問題,本研究尚選取縣市長的選舉結果為工具變數,使用二階段最小平方法以降低內生性所帶來的估計誤差。實證結果顯示,違章工廠非法占用的農地面積越大,河川與地下水中砷、鉛、錳和鋅的含量會增加。此外,違章工廠對鄉村地區地下水所造成的污染程度較城市地區大。


The industrial development in Taiwan has caused the problem of illegal factory. In 2017, there were 134,574 farmlands being occupied by factories illegally, which is equivalent to 15,117 Ha. Although the Factory Management Act has been amended a few times to enhance the management on illegal factories, the problem remains serious in most townships/districts. The operation of illegal factories might bring negative impacts on human health as well as the environment due to the pollutants produced. This study evaluates the impact of illegal factories on water pollution. We use ordinary least squares and two-stage least squares estimation methods. The election result of mayors and magistrates is chosen as instrumental variable. The results show that more illegally occupied farmland area by factories contributes to a higher concentration of arsenic, lead, manganese and zinc in river and groundwater. The results also suggest that the effect of illegal factories on groundwater pollution in rural areas is greater than that in urban areas.


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