  • 學位論文


Transition of Home and Neighborhood Environment for the Elderly:A Case Study of the Military Servicemen's Settlement, Taipei

指導教授 : 畢恆達


我們經常會在新聞報導內發現,有許多的榮民或眷村住戶在眷村改建之時,被迫暫時搬遷到外地,或政府會同時安排暫居地,但這段期間政府只是將他們隨意的搬動,完全未曾考慮到原來既存在眷村內部的人際網絡關係。當政府不考慮原有內部的社會網絡而簡化遷回的分配動作,加上改建後的國宅形式千遍一律,無法顧及到居民的實際需求,這些空間、環境脈絡的變遷對身處其中眷村原住戶老年人的生活造成極劇烈的轉變。 本研究以質性研究方法的參與式觀察與深度訪談的方式進行。並從環境心理學層面切入議題,並納入原眷村的人文文化特質,深入探討居住環境變遷導致眷村老年居民對於家、生活鄰里與社會關係網絡產生許多必然的改變與影響。本研究中眷村第一代的老年人們,因眷村內部特殊環境而形成相似的生活習慣、行為及傳統,而對社區內部的鄰里與空間產生強烈的依附感和歸屬感。 在面對遷回的新式電梯公寓大廈、離散的鄰里關係、生活鄰里的變遷時,新的生活環境無法同時滿足他們物理與心理層面的需求,因而使居民產生了強烈的疏離感。然而大多數眷村第一代的老年居民並不因此而日漸消沉,相反地,積極的主動在有限的空間內改變使用與利用社區環境所擁有資源,以更符合他們隨著時間改變的身體健康狀況、家庭結構和生活中的真實需求,而形成另一種新的生存戰術與生活模式。期望本研究中所得到的成果,能為現下臺灣社會中老年人族群的住居與環境問題尋出可行的出路。


老年人 居住環境變遷 眷村


When settlements of military servicemen had to be reconstructed, we frequently discovered in the news reports that a lot of senior veterans or residents living in settlements were forced to move out. The government arranged temporarily occupies for those residents simultaneously but casually, and ignored the inner existing relationship of interpersonal network inside. Researcher is prompted by the issues including the government used the simplified assignment without concerning about the primary social network, and the space types in renovated residence community from settlements of military servicemen were so identical that it couldn’t meet substantially with habitants’ physical and psychological needs. Those inquiries evoke researcher attempting to discuss the effects about the changes of living space and environmental context upon original residents of military servicemen's settlements. This research based on the spatial observation, participant observation, field investigation and in-depth interviews of the nine residents living in military servicemen's settlements in Taipei. Since the researcher cares that how these residents adapt in the process of residential mobility and how the transition of home and neighborhood environment affect residents’ psychology before and after moving. Four main research questions frame the current study: (a) How did they link up their life meanings and living experiences with the specific historical spatial condition? (b) What was the residents’ living strategy regarding inside and outside space of the new neighborhood environment after shifting in the original specific environment? (c) After transferring to the new environment, how did residents’ ‘meanings of home’ have to alter? And what was the residents’ adaptability to new neighborhood? (d) How did these elderly in the relocation household of military servicemen's settlements with lower position attach to the new environment after changing? When facing the high rise apartment buildings with the lift, dispersed neighborhood relationship, and the changing neighborhood is unable to meet their physics and psychological demands at the same time, therefore it makes the elderly feel strong alienation. But most of these old residents didn’t feel downhearted day by day, on the contrary, they changed the use of limited space energetically and spontaneously, and utilized resource of community to fit even more their true demand of health status, family’s structure and life that those changed with time. Hence they formed another new existence tactic and living style. This research expects to have achievement that could find the suitable ways to solve the problem of the transition of home and neighborhood for the elderly in Taiwan society nowadays.




霍鵬程(2015)。日遺戰備設施做為居住空間使用演變之研究 -以屏東、新竹、虎尾三處眷村為例〔博士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00166
