  • 學位論文


A Study of International Trade Situation on the Effect of Exports Changing on Taiwan’s Economy

指導教授 : 林建甫


台灣身處東南亞地區的一小型島國,貿易依存度高達140%以上,其經濟體相當容易受到國際間趨勢所牽動。根據全球政經研究的自由貿易警示站,燈號在黃色(對台灣有重大影響)以上的已簽訂貿易協定達12個,包含美韓FTA、韓國東協FTA…等,等待簽訂的也有12個黃燈之多,其中牽連最大的不外乎中韓FTA以及RCEP。台灣在踏入國際的腳步相較之下相對緩慢,除了和新加坡及紐西蘭完成自由貿易協定之外,尚未看到明顯的突破。而政府如何運用和中國大陸的地緣、文化上的優勢,藉兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)當作跳板使台灣成功進入整個亞太地區經濟體的一環,亦為普羅大眾所關心。因此本論文探討台灣在拓展國際市場成功或失敗的情境對台灣總體經濟之影響。 本文建立一台灣總體經濟計量模型,包含89條方程式(54條行為方程式及35條定義式),89個內生變數及31個外生變數,資料涵蓋1961年第一季至2013年第三季,樣本內期間為1997第二季至2013第三季,並利用模型進行樣本內配適及樣本外預測,預估2014年至2016年的經濟成長率分別為3.86%、3.63%、3.62%。最後利用情境分析分別討論 (1)台灣對中國大陸出口 (2)台灣對東協出口 (3)外人對台直接投資 改變下對台灣的衝擊。模擬的結果為:藉由各項外生協定的簽訂使我國對中國大陸或東協出口增加時,將帶來國內經濟的提升,國內生產毛額GDP上升,所得分配亦獲得改善,但也帶來物價上漲及匯率升值的副作用,另外由於我國對中國大陸的貿易依賴較東協深,因此模擬結果對中國大陸出口改變的影響較大;另一方面則對自經區的設立進行政策模擬分析,當其能順利發揮作用使外人直接投資增加時,將有利台灣的經濟環境,對技術的提升具有明顯幫助,但也具有貧富差距擴大的隱憂。


Taiwan is a small island nation in Southeast Asia, trade dependence up to 140 percentage. So its economy is quite vulnerable to the international situation affects. According to the study of GlobalPes’ FTA alarm, there are 12 trade agreements have a significant impact on Taiwan has signed over, including the US-Korea FTA and Korea-ASEAN FTA; besides, some agreements are discussed, including RCEP and China-Korea FTA. In the footsteps of Taiwan into the international comparison is relatively slow, and how the Government uses advantages of the culture and the geographical with China, and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) as a springboard to make Taiwan into a role of the Asian region's economy, is also concerned by the general public. This paper uses the data from AREMOS and TEJ in Taiwan to build a macroecnometric model which contains 89 equations, 89 endogenous variables and 31 exogenous variables with range from the first quarter of 1961 to the third quarter of 2013. And by the out-sample prediction, the range of GDP growth from 2014 to 2016 is 3.86%, 3.63% and 3.62%, separately. Moreover, the study also uses scenario analysis to concern other variation such as Taiwan's exports to China, Taiwan’s exports to ASEAN and changes in foreign direct investment on Taiwan. By the simulation result, with signing the trade agreements to ASEAN and China, our exports will increase obviously. It will bring to enhance the domestic economy and higher GDP, but it also brings side effects such as inflation and exchange rate appreciation. On the other hand, if Taiwan’s free economic pilot zones succeeded in attracting foreign direct investment, the technology will have obvious help.


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