  • 學位論文


Wavelet transform in warning signal detection and analysis of blood pressure and pulse signal

指導教授 : 翁昭旼


全臺灣每年都有許多重症病患者於加護病房接受治療,但是偵測病患生理資訊的儀器時常會出現雜訊,當遇到緊急狀況時會影響醫護人員的判斷,本研究希望將加護病房的警示系統優化,讓醫護人員能夠更即時且精準的掌握病患的狀況。 為了建置此警示系統,本研究取得台灣北部醫院加護病房的真實資料,並且模擬即時狀態的生理資料序列,期望能即時或是一個時間區間內解析生理訊號來判斷是否為雜訊或是病患陷入異常狀態的訊號。 本研究嘗試尋找各種演算法與統計方法並組合各種結果來偵測訊號的漂移點,同時也利用相關係數來測試不同生理訊號間是否存在相關性,期望能透過已知數據來預測下一個時間區間內可能發生的狀況。 本研究最後的目標是從現有的病患資料中尋找各生理訊號是否存在相關性,並且當發生異常狀況時,能夠排除掉雜訊提供醫護人員更準確的警示資訊。


There are so many critically ill patients accept treatments in the Intensive Care Unit, but the noises are often appeared in the physiological signals monitoring which detect patients. And the judgements of the medical personnel doctors and nurses will be influenced in the emergency. This study respects that through the optimization of the warning systems in the Intensive Care Unit helps medical personnel doctors and nurses can handle the patients immediate and much more precise. In order to build up this warning system, this study uses the real data in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospitals the north Taiwan, and simulates the physiological signals data of the patients. And hope this system can immediate or in the time zone to analysis the physiological signals whether is just the noise or occurred patients suffers in the abnormal conditions. This study try to find many algorithms and statistical methods to combine the results, and to detect the shift points of the signals. In the meanwhile, this study also uses the correlation coefficients to detect whether the relatives are existed between different physiological signals, and hope through the data we have to prediction what happens in the next time zone. The goal of this study is to check whether there are relatives in many physiological signals of the patients, and when the signals appear abnormal conditions, the warning system will get rid of the noises and help medical personnel doctors and nurses to get much more correct warning informations.


Wavelet warning system Correlation ICU


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