  • 學位論文


Psychological and physiological effects at different biodiversity levels of bird sounds

指導教授 : 袁孝維


本研究目的為探討當聲音中呈現不同生物多樣性的層次,是否對於人體生心理有不同程度的影響,同時生物多樣性較高的聲音環境是否能帶來較正向的生心理效益。此實驗是以台灣中海拔森林鳥聲為主,將聲音區分為三個組別,分別為高生物多樣性(繡眼畫眉、青背山雀、黃山雀、白耳畫眉、黃胸藪眉五種鳥類聲音)、低生物多樣性(白耳畫眉單一鳥種)以及無生物的環境聲音(去除鳥聲後的背景音)。一共有44 位平均年齡23.25 歲±2.93 的受試者參與本次實驗,使用降噪耳機於連續三周以隨機的方式聆聽三組中的一組聲音,並且在聲音播放前須操作一次聽覺序列加法測試作為壓力源。在生理指標上,使用血壓、心率、唾液澱粉酶活性以了解壓力是否下降;在心理指標上,以盤斯心情量表(POMS)、知覺恢復性聲景量表(PRSS)量測情緒與注意力恢復程度。結果顯示血壓、心率及兩項心理指標中,在三組間並無顯著差異,僅唾液澱粉酶活性在無生物聲音組別中顯著低於其他兩組。在POMS 結果中雖然三組恢復值之間無顯著差異,但是在不同構面上各自有顯著的心理恢復效益:無生物聲音組中在憤怒構面上有顯著降低;低生物多樣性聲音中,沮喪、疲勞兩構面有顯著降低;而在高生物多樣性聲音下,活力構面有顯著提升。另外三組聲音皆在緊張與困惑兩個構面中有顯著下降。實驗結果雖然無法證實聲音中含有較高的生物多樣性所帶來的生心理效益必高於低生物多樣性的聲音,但整理結果仍符合壓力削減理論(Stress Reduction Theory, SRT)中自然環境帶給人體的正向情緒反應。因此森林中的聲音或者生物聲音仍具有心理上的效益,未來應可用於促進森林療癒或其他自然生態活動推廣。在都市中也可將生物聲音或森林聲音融入環境設計中,以降低都市生活的壓力。


The mental and physical health benefits of natural sounds are well-known, but few studies have focused on whether the level of biodiversity apparent in natural sounds has an effect on their health benefits. The aim of this study is to examine the psychological and physiological effects of natural sounds from sources with different levels of biodiversity, and whether the higher biodiversity level of sound bring more benefits than lower biodiversity level of sound. A total of 44 adults with a mean age of 23.25 ± 2.93 years were exposed to each of the three biodiversity levels of birdsong for four minutes over three weeks. The birdsong clips were all from species which are common in Taiwan’s forests. The three biodiversity levels were represented by the high biodiversity group (which included clips of Alcippe morrisonia, Parus monticolus, Machlolophus holsti, Heterophasia auricularis, and Liocichla steerii birdsong), the low biodiversity group (which only included Heterophasia auricularis birdsong) and the control group (which included no birdsong). The subjects were asked to complete the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test-Computer (PASAT-C) prior to listening to each clip. This acted as a stressor. The subjects’ blood pressure, heart rate, and salivary alpha-amylase (SAA) were measured as physiological indicators. The Profile of Mood States (POMS) and Perceived Restorativeness Soundscape Scale (PRSS) tests were used as psychological indicators. In terms of physiological results, there was no significant difference in pressure and heart rate between the three groups, but the control group’s SAA results were significantly lower the other groups’ SAA results. The control group’s POMS results were significantly lower for the construct of “anger”, the low biodiversity group’s POMS results were significantly lower for the constructs of “depression” and “fatigue”, and the high biodiversity group’s POMS results were significantly higher for the construct of “vigor”. All groups’ POMS results were significantly lower for the constructs of “confusion” and “tension”. There was no significant difference in PRSS results between the three groups. Although these results do not indicate the higher biodiversity level of sound brings more benefits than lower biodiversity level of sound, they do tend to support the Stress Reduction Theory. The results suggest that natural or biological sounds are good for mental health, and furthermore that the use of natural sounds may be an important component of forest therapy, ecological activities or environmental designs in urban areas which aim to relieve stress.


余家斌、蔡明哲、楊智凱、吳采諭、陳群育(2017)。森林浴生理效益初探-以唾液澱粉酶為生理指標。國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告,31(4),頁 229-242。
