  • 學位論文


Oncogenic Role of PARVA Gene in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

指導教授 : 楊泮池
共同指導教授 : 俞松良 李芳仁






Background: PARVA - is a member of parvin family of actin–binding proteins, which is involved in linkage of integrins and association with intracellular proteins that regulate actin cytoskeleton dynamics and cell survival. Recent studies indicated that PARVA is critical for survival for cell survival in a variety of cells, including certain cancer cells, kidney podocytes and cardiac myocytes, and may be involved in malignant transformation of chondroblasts. Therefore we investigated the role of PARVA in lung cancer progression. Methods: We established the PARVA overexpressed cells in human lung cancer cell line CL1-0 with lower invasive potential compared to CL1-5. Then we analyzed cell anchorage-independent growth, colony formation, proliferation, cell migration, invasion and in vivo metastasis of cell transfectants. Results: PARVA expression might be positively correlated with metastatic potential of lung cancer cells and overexpressed in the highly invasive cell line CL1-5. PARVA enhances migration and invasion potential of lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo metastasis, but is not involved in the regulation of anchorage–independent growth, tumorigenecity and tumor growth. Conclusion: PARVA showed an oncogenic role in adenocarcinoma of NSCLC consistently with its previously reported role in chondrosarcomas. Our study indicated that the role of PARVA in lung cancer progression was characterized PARVA as metastasis promoting gene.


PARVA NSCLC metastasis invasion adenocarcinoma


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