  • 學位論文


Controlling and Resistance Strategies in Newsroom-The Case Study of PTS News Forum

指導教授 : 林麗雲


本研究旨在探討現今公共媒體中新聞工作者面臨的組織控制型態與反抗策略,選擇公視新聞論壇節目「有話好說」為研究個案,自2008年三月開播以來,歷經第四屆新舊董事鬥爭一連串風波,總經理馮賢賢任期未完即遭撤換;2011年,新任總經理曠湘霞接任不久,節目時段兩度遭到縮減,製作單位並不認同新任經營團隊的決策。此案例凸顯公視董事會不具介入個別節目運作的權限,但經營團隊仍握有行政裁量權,當組織內部人事變革影響節目決策時,仍對負責內容產出的新聞工作者產生影響。      除了探討公共服務廣電的概念內涵與流變,釐清公共媒體的機構特殊性,本研究也爬梳過往媒體組織研究中新聞工作者面臨的控制型態,以及可使用的反抗策略。為了回答本研究核心問題:公共媒體組織中權力的流動對「有話好說」節目團隊的控制型態?「有話好說」製作團隊面對控制時的反抗策略為何?研究者除了蒐集二手資料,也透過訪談法、參與觀察與紮根理論等方式。      「有話好說」團隊遭遇的控制型態,除了新任經營團隊以未達<節目多元評量辦法>的各項指標為由縮減節目時段;節目決策過程也被排除參與討論,公視組織內部並未建立公開溝通機制。該團隊藉由對組織決策的妥協、內化收視率機制,甚至在日常產製對某些議題產生自我規訓的限制。      受<公視法>的規範,公視新聞部目前「製作人制」執行確實,經營團隊對新聞部日常產製保持一定距離,使得「有話好說」團隊在反制組織控制上,比商業媒體的新聞工作者,多了<製播公約>的反抗策略。除此之外,編內員工也有不定期契約保障工作權益;相較之下,派遣員工不但工作權益並未獲相等的待遇,也沒有合理的升遷與敘薪制度,心理壓力可見一斑。另一方面,「有話好說」團隊也透過科層組織的空隙、回歸專業作為掙脫基礎,以及累積社會資本等,作為反制組織控制的非建制策略。


The Board of the Directors of PTS can’t intervene the daily production of News programs because of Public Television Act, but still has the authority of deciding the person for the General Manager. Due to the severe dispute of Board of the Directors in 2008-2010, Feng, the previous General Manager was replaced before the expiration of her term in office. In April 2011, not long from the inauguration of the successor, Kuang, the PTS News Forum encountered unexpected changes, from five to three episodes one week. The management team claimed the reduction of episodes due to the fail of the Multi-Indicators for Program Evaluation. The developing of the Public Service Broadcasting are conducted in chapter two, involving “public sphere” and “organization management strategies”, with BBC role model. Besides, the theories used are controlling and resistance strategies in Newsroom, including institutionalized and non-institutionalized ones. This thesis takes PTS News Forum as study case, and the researcher was one of the team members. The methods used are Participant Observation, Ground Theory Method and Interview survey. The controlling types of PTS News Forum team members include institutionalized and non-institutionalized ones. Due to the vagueness of Program Evaluation, decisions from those in charged would be totally different. The team members don’t be allowed to participate in the program conferences. A well communication mechanism is clearly absent in PTS organization. The team members in daily production also avoid dealing with some sensitive issues as a result of self-censorship. The members of PTS News Forum are under the institutionalized protection. They asked the successor General Manager subscribe Editorial statute granting autonomy to journalists which is based on Public Television Act. Besides, job rights of organized employees are protected because of PTS employment contract. However, atypical employees have non-stable working conditions. Some non-institutionalized strategies are also conducted to fight for autonomy in Newsroom in this case: stay away from the core power, strengthen connection with the society, and stick their posts as public forums.


PTS News Forum autonomy controlling resistance strategies


林富美 (2002)。〈台灣媒體工會意識與集體行動之初探〉,《新聞學研究》,73集,頁63-94。


莊志偉(2017)。再探「新聞室的社會控制」 -以香港TVB為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201702980
