  • 學位論文


A Study of Public Construction Planning and Budget Review Items —Using Building Projects as An Example

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


本研究基於提昇公共建築工程審議作業品質,經由文獻、理論及研究者從事建築工程規劃設計及審議多年實務經驗檢討,在公共建築工程之「程序面」「技術面」「經費面」三面向,彙整出先期規劃階段審議作業之「程序完整性」、「規劃妥適性」、「營運性」、「經濟性」、「時效性」、「風險性」六大關鍵影響構面,及基本設計階段「程序完整性」、「計畫邏輯性」、「設計妥適性」、「安全性」、「經濟性」、「施工性」、「維護性」、「生態永續性」、「時效性」「適法性」等十大關鍵影響構面,分別研擬項26及30細項,並藉由工程界多位實際從事規劃設計及審議經驗專家之訪談、問卷,對於前述審議影響構面因子之經驗問卷意見中,共篩選出二階段非常重要或重要之檢核因子各22、27項。 其中本研究所彙整提出之影響構面因子,以蒐羅具備工程知識專長者之寶貴意見,以及匯集實際執行規劃設計及審議實務經驗,經由嚴密統計理論的探究驗證進行修正,故期能提供相關機關單位於執行審議業務參考與應用,可就本身專案需求選擇適宜審議因子,使審議作業更加周延,符合政府審議作業之效益目標,以利提升審議品質。 綜合上述,本研究對於建築工程審議作業,依據公共建築工程「程序面」「技術面」「經費面」三面向,將影響建築工程規劃設計及審議品質之因素一併提出研討,以提供相關機關辦理審議作業時之酌參。歸結提出審議時所應檢核注意重要因子項目,建議使用者執行建築工程審議業務時,應視其適用階段及圖說成熟度選擇運用,逐項檢核,並視主辦機關工程專業程度及工程性質,彈性擇項使用,期以提升公共建築工程之審議品質。


With an aim to improve the quality of public construction review operations, this study investigated construction project planning and review operations from previous literature, theories, and practical experience of the researcher. From three perspectives, namely “procedural perspective”, “technical perspective”, and “budget perspective”, six key dimensions of review in the preliminary planning stage, including “procedural integrity”, “plan suitability”, “operationality”, “economy”, “time-effectiveness”, and “risk” were induced. Further, ten key dimensions of review in the basic design stage, including “procedural integrity”, “plan logicality”, “design suitability”, “safety”, “economicality”, “constructability”, “maintainability”, “ecological sustainability”, “time-effectiveness”, and “legality” were also explored. Totally, 26 and 30 review factors were proposed for the two stages, respectively. Through questionnaire survey and interview with several experts in practical construction planning and review, 22 and 26 review factors that were considered either very important or important for the two stages were selected from the afore-mentioned factors. Selected on the basis of the precious experience of experts with construction knowledge and practical experience in project implementation and review, these factors were further modified through statistic verifications. Therefore, they could hopefully serve as a reference for authorities concerned and be applied. The authorities concerned could select factors according to project demands to execute the review more prudently, comply with the goal of review effectiveness set up by the government, and ultimately enhance the overall review quality. To sum up, in this study, factors affecting the quality of construction planning and review were proposed from three perspectives, namely “procedural perspective”, “technical perspective”, and “budget perspective”, and discussed to provide a reference for authorities concerned on review operations. In the conclusion, it was suggested that additional attention should be paid to important factors during review operations. Users should select factors depending on the stage and maturity of constructions drawings and flexibility apply them according to the professionalism of the administrator and project properties, so as to enhance the overall quality of public construction review operations.


2.Garold D.Oberlende,「project Management for engineering and Construction」,2000
