  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Firstline Service People Selection in Taiwan Tourist Hotels and One International Service Firm

指導教授 : 黃崇興


第一線人員在服務業的公司中扮演著重要的角色,對於顧客的服務體驗以及公司利潤的影響甚鉅。本研究旨在探討台灣旅館業第一線服務人員的甄選程序,採用深度訪談法,訪談對象為晶華、美麗信與凱撒三家旅館經營業者以及麥當勞。藉由瞭解旅館業實際的甄選流程以及麥當勞高效能的服務員面試甄選程序,找出結構化的面談方法以提高人才甄選的品質與面談的效度。 研究結果發現,三家旅館經營業者的第一線人員甄選流程大致上是相似的,由四個主要的階段組成:履歷的篩選、電話洽談或面試、第一關面試、第二關面試。然而旅館業第一線人員的面談並沒有一套結構化的程序,大多都是依據主管本身的經驗來挑選人才,公司並沒有面試題庫指引主管詢問應徵者問題。台灣麥當勞擁有一致的面試流程與工具來協助餐廳第一線員工的挑選,其服務員面試甄選程序的步驟為:員工資料表填寫及工作環境介紹、工作情境問卷填寫、結構式面試 、應徵者背景資料查詢。麥當勞根據其挑選第一線服務人員所需求的四大特質設計出結構式面試指引。 是此,根據本研究結果,建議旅館經營業者可參考麥當勞的第一線人員甄選程序,在甄選面談的流程設計上,先以結構化的工具進行篩選,例如性向測驗、結構式面試等,而在最後一關的面試時,讓經驗豐富的主管以其自身的經驗進行最後的判斷與選擇。研究結果可作為服務產業第一線人員甄選的參考。


Frontline employees play a critical role in service organizations, and their impact on the customer’s experience and the company’s profit is enormous. This paper aims at exploring frontline service employee selection in Taiwanese hotel industry. Also, this paper interviewed Regent Taipei Hotel, Miramar Garden Taipei Hotel, Caesar Park Hotel & Resort, and McDonald’s (Taiwan) with way of in-depth interview. By understanding hotel industry’s actual selection processes and McDonald’s high efficient employment interview process to find out a structured interview practice to increase personnel selection quality and interview validity. The results revealed that three hotels’ frontline employee selection processes are quite similar and there are four main steps: resume screening, phone interview, first interview, and second interview. However, there is no structure in frontline employee interview of hotel industry. Hotels’ line supervisors used their own experience to select people without an interview guideline. Instead, McDonald’s owns a consistent interview process that can help its line supervisors to select frontline service employees. The steps of McDonald’s service employee selection process are: personal information form filling and working environment introduction, what if situation test, structured interview, and reference check. McDonald’s designed a structured interview guideline on the basis of four personality traits for its frontline service employees. Thus, according to the results of this paper, the frontline employee selection process of McDonald’s can be a reference for hotels in Taiwan. The design of the employment interview can start from using structured selection tools, such as personality test, structured interview, and etc. Moreover, companies should let experienced line supervisors use their past experience to make judgment and decision in the final interview. The results of this study can be taken as references for frontline service employee selection in service industry.


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