  • 學位論文


The Study on the Enabler of Omni-Channel Retailing from Consumer Perspective

指導教授 : 蔣明晃


在智慧型手機及行動網路普及的現代,伴隨著行動支付、大數據分析等科技的進步,開始了「以消費者為中心」的全通路零售時代。消費者希望在不同購買階段能選擇線上線下多種通路來完成。在這樣的趨勢下,零售業者必須瞭解在各種通路間如何提供消費者一致的消費體驗。本研究旨在討論零售業者要提供什麼樣的服務才能滿足消費者的需求特性。首先透過瞭解消費者的購買流程,以及隨著科技進步消費者行為的改變,再以產業報告及消費者調查報告做為佐證,整理出消費者在全通路零售下最重視的需求特性。再將整理出的需求特性,與其對應的促成要素建立一個二維的分析架構。最後以此架構對個案公司表現進行分析。 本研究發現消費者需求特性可分為「購物體驗的一致性」、「客製化的服務」、「資訊可取得度」、「多元支付」、「取貨服務(方便、準時、價錢)」、「商品可供應性」、「愉快的現場消費體驗」以及「售後服務可取得性」等八個項目。而此八項須特性分別需要零售業者在「物流」、「金流」、「資訊流」以及「客戶服務」等項目的耕耘,其中以「資訊流」及「客戶服務」為滿足消費者一致購物體驗最關鍵的因素。透過以上的整理,希望本研究能成為有志發展全通路零售業者的參考。


With the prevelance of smart phones and mobile network as well as the technological improvement of both mobile payment and big-data analysis, it is the so-called “Omni-Channel Retailing” era. In different purchasing phases, consumers prefer to combine multiple on-line or off-line channels to finish their buying. In this case, retailers have a need to offer shopping experience in consistence among different channels. This study tends to probe retailing services that can satisfy the attributes of consumers’ demand. First, we analyze consumers’ purchasing process and their behavioral changes in correspond to technological improvement, referring to the evidence shown in the industrial reports and market surveys. Under Omni-Channels context, we sort out attributes which consumers value the most. Secondly, these attributes and their causal factors are adopted to establish a two-dimensional analysis framework, and then we apply this framework to analyze the performance of case companys. Results of this study are as below: (1) Attributs of consumer’s demand can be classified into 8 items: “Consistency”, “Customization”, “Information Avalibility”, “Pick-up”, “Product Avalibility”, “Enjoyable Shopping Experience”, and “After-Sales Service Avalibility”.(2) “Flow of Information” and “Customer Services” are key factors to the consistency of shopping experience. I hope the research could be the guideline for those who dedicated to the omni-channel retail business.


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