  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Internet Finance between America and China - Third-Party Payment as an Example

指導教授 : 羅竹平


隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,企業改採用電子化的經營模式,消費者改變購物習慣,亦新興各種電子支付工具。消費者大多以使用信用卡為主要付款方式,然而線上使用信用卡卻經常發生盜刷、網路詐騙、個資外流等問題,加上網路微型商家或是個人賣家,因為資金不足、技術風險等無法提供信用卡支付方式。為了解決電子商務業的支付金流困境,因而促使「第三方支付」崛起,為互聯網金融帶來了新的局面。 美國與中國的第三方支付已經發展了十多年,因此本研究將探討美國與中國的第三方支付市場狀況,比較兩國之間第三方支付產業的差異。以美國的PayPal和中國的支付寶作為個案,分析兩者的發展背景、支付模式與營運現況等,最後針對分析結果提出第三方支付產業未來發展的建議。 本研究結果發現中國第三方支付市場相對於美國第三方支付市場蓬勃發展,加上中國電子商務市場相對於美國電子商務市場更具有成長性。在電子商務的金流顯示出中國以第三方支付為主要支付方式,而美國仍以信用卡與簽帳卡為主要支付方式,造成此差異為兩國之間消費習慣與金融體系截然不同。美國的PayPal為最早提供第三方支付服務的公司,成立原因為取代金流傳遞速度較慢的傳統支付,提供單純的金錢轉移服務。中國隨後發展出支付寶,成立原因是解決交易雙方的信用問題,提供買賣雙方交易擔保的功能。雖然支付寶成立時間雖然較PayPal晚,但是支付寶活躍用戶數卻超過4億,比PayPal活躍用戶數還要多。2015年支付寶全球交易規模更及PayPal全球交易規模的3倍,肇因於支付寶不斷地提供創新的互聯網金融服務,例如:餘額寶、叫車、代繳公共事業費用等,並擁有後發優勢成為全球第一大的第三方支付平台。


With the rapid development of electronic commerce, businesses changed using electronic business model and consumers changed their shopping habits. On the Internet, most consumers use credit cards as their primary payment method but it usually happens stolen brush, internet fraud and personal outflow. Because of insufficient funds and technical risk, internet micro businesses and individual sellers can’t provide credit card payment methods. Third-Party Payment Industry provides the new method to resolve the payment problem of electronic commerce market. United States and China’s Third-Party Payment have been in development for more than a decade. First, this research explored the situation of Third-Party Payment in the United States and China. The Third-Party Payment is difference between the two countries. Second, it also included a case study of PayPal and Alipay. It analyzed PayPal and Alipay of the development background, payment method and current situations. Finally, I offered the suggestion to Third-Party Payment Industry. The results revealed that China’s Third-Party Payment market is bigger than United States’ Third-Party Payment market and China’s electronic commerce market grows more bigger than United States’ electronic commerce market. The consumption habits and the financial system is difference in China and United States. As the result, China’s Third-Party Payment is the main payment method in electronic commerce, but the main payment method in United States is the credit card and the debit card. PayPal is the first company to offer third-party payment services. The reason for PayPal’s establishment is that it replaced the slow flow of the traditional payment. PayPal provides a simple service of transferring money. Later, Alipay provides an escrow service. It is solved the credit problem between buyers and sellers in China. Although Alipay was established much later than PayPal, Alipay has 400 million active users, greater than PayPal’s active users. Alipay’s global transaction volume is three times more than PayPal ‘s global transaction volume in 2015. Alipay provides innovative internet financial services, for example: call the cab, payment of public utility expenses. Now, Alipay is the world's largest Third-Party Payment platform.


