  • 學位論文


Innovative Business Model of Music Festival Grouping Platform

指導教授 : 游張松


隨著網路的普及以及串流音樂平台的崛起,全球音樂產業產生結構性的變化,實體唱片的銷售產值大幅下滑,音樂圈紛紛轉戰實體唱片銷售以外的市場。因此現今對於流行音樂產業的想像已經轉型為結合唱片、展演活動、周邊行銷、異業結合以及跨界合作等多方全面性的嘗試。另外,受惠於社群網路的發展,歌迷除了過去單方面體驗歌手的展演活動,也多了社群的管道可以用於增加歌手與歌迷的互動,以及更多對於展演活動的成效回饋。透過科技以及社群的力量,可以營造給歌迷更多參與感,同時觸及更多的潛在歌迷,並提高參與下次系列展演活動的意願。 從消費者角度觀察目前音樂產業,本研究找出一些歌迷的痛點,例如現有交友圈中,不易找到擁有共同音樂喜好的朋友,進行討論、交流或揪團一起去聽演唱會。亦或者,原有交友圈過小,欲尋求其他管道擴增交友圈。再者,目前缺乏一個各音樂類型整合的內容交流互動平台,供專欄作家、音樂創作者與一般閱聽者做更多的互動,或是建立自己的粉絲群。各大音樂節主辦方僅能透過官網或是facebook做宣傳,缺少一個可以精準投放資訊的地方。 因此,本研究以價值創造循環 ( Value Creation Cycle),創建一個整合音樂展演主辦方、部落客、專欄作家,以及用戶的平台。從使用者資料、大數據分析精準推播,建立一個「人人都可以在自己的音樂世界裡找到同好」的願景。並藉由平台上的資料提供展演活動的成效回饋和市場趨勢分析予平台生態系參與者,形成一個完整且具有持續性的價值創新循環。


Global music industry has been through structural changes because of the internet popularization and the rise of music streaming platform, causing the revenue diclination at actual records. Thus, music production companies have turned to other targets and taken various try on combining record production, concert, music festival and cross-industry alliance. In addition, thanks to the development of social network, fans have more channel to have more interaction with singers other than only experiencing single way communication from singers or official channels. Fans can experience more sense of participation by means of technology and social network. And approach more potential fans as well as raisin the willingness of actually attending events at the same time. Observing music industry nowadays from customers’ angle, this research has discovered some painpoints. For instance, people have some difficulties inviting right people to join them at attending concerts of music festival among their current friends. By right people, here refers to those who have same preference towards music performer, singer or bands. Another situation is, people are often seeking new ways to make friends and expand their friend zone. In addition, there are now lack of an overall integrated music content exchange platform for column writers, music producer to interact with common listeners. Or even more, to create their own fans group. As for now, all music events organizers can only rely on official page or facebook ads to do all promotions. Based on the demand gaps mentioned above, this research has created a platform that integrate music event organizers, bloggers, column writers and common users basing on the theory of Value Creation Cycle. Using users-provided information and big data to analyze all data and to push notifications precisly, making this platform’s vision” Everyone can find their partners at their own music world” possible. By making the best use of all the data collected from this platform, including feedbacks from general users, event outcomes and market trend analysis, this platform can create a continuous thriving value creation cycle.


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