  • 學位論文


Breaking through Dualities: Three Feminist Utopias

指導教授 : 張惠娟


從二元對立突圍而出︰三部女性烏托邦研究 摘要 本論文嘗試突顯三部女性烏托邦如何挑戰二元對立的觀念。湯瑪斯.摩爾在創造『烏托邦』這個新詞時,即同時意指『美好國度』以及『虛幻之地』,冀望能藉此彰顯『烏托邦』與現行社會的對比。然而,這不是烏托邦文學當中所能找到的唯一對比。在意圖尋求當今弊病的解救之方的過程中,烏托邦傳統反倒是不經意地加深現存權力結構,其中最顯著的就是劃分男性與女性、以及文明與自然的二元對立。在另一方面,當女性烏托邦尋求各種不同策略以彰顯這個文類的不足之處時,在詳加剖析下,這些策略是否動搖原先的前提,為可爭議之處。 為了說明這個論點,本論文將檢視三部寫於一九七○年代的女性烏托邦小說。在吉兒哈特的《流浪地》當中,女性的自主似乎得以全盤實現,但所揭櫫的分離主義事實上也許進一步加深對立。在另一方面,勒瑰恩的《黑暗的左手》建造一個雌雄同體的世界,然而這也許亦不足以揭露二元對立的缺失。皮兒西的《時間邊際的女子》是個較成功的例子,不但勾勒出一個各種不同都能受到認可並且獲得重視的兩性平等社會,並且是一個流動非靜態的世界。


Breaking through Dualities: Three Feminist Utopias Abstract This thesis is an attempt to illuminate the challenges on dualities embodied in three feminist utopias. Utopias, as Thomas More coined the word, have always been both "the good place" and "no place," with a view to laying bare the contrast between the utopia and the author's society. However, such a contrast is not the only duality found in utopias. In the course of trying to seek a remedy for the present evils, the dominant utopian tradition nevertheless unknowingly perpetuates the existing power structure, the most eminent of which is the split between man/woman, and culture/nature. On the other hand, while feminist utopias resort to various strategies to discover the deficiencies inherent in the genre, it is arguable that these strategies, under close examination, can be used to unsettle the original premise. To illustrate this argument, three feminist utopias written in the 1970’s are scrutinized. In Sally Miller Gearhart’s The Wanderground, women’s autonomy from men seems to be fully realized; however, such separatism in fact might further deepen binary oppositions. On the other hand, Ursula K. Le Guin builds in The Left Hand of Darkness a world with its androgynous inhabitants; nevertheless androgyny may still prove inadequate in dismantling dualism. By contrast, Marge Piercy’s Women in the Edge of Time is a more successful example. It promises an egalitarian two-sex society where differences are acknowledged and valued; its world is a fluid one, not static.


feminist utopias dualities


Primary Sources
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Herland. 1915. New York: Pantheon Books P, 1979.
---. “A Woman’s Utopia,” chaps. 1-4. Daring to Dream. Ed. Kessler. 133-174.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Bantam Books, 1952.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness. New York: Ace, 1969.
