  • 學位論文

以語意網建置旅遊解說資料庫 ---以陽明山的自然資源為例

The establishment of tourism narration databases by semantic systems ---A case study in the physical geography of Yang-Ming Mountains

指導教授 : 朱子豪


面對國內週休二日制度的實施,使得國內單雙日遊程大幅的增加、國內的旅遊市場大幅提升、旅遊的精緻度也相對提高,但是面對大量的旅遊資訊時,如果沒有一定的歸類與統整,則資料便難以有效的利用。因此旅遊資訊之資料庫便應運而生。然而,對於旅遊界的人而言,大多懂旅遊的人卻不懂資料庫的管理,不然就是沒有人對資料庫做進一步的規劃與建置;而懂資料庫的人,卻不一定懂遊客的需求,外面的一些套裝軟體也不一定符合旅遊解說的需求,所以建立一套旅遊解說媒體製作之資料庫為本研究主題之一。 旅遊解說資料的重複運用則為另一重點:對於已有的資料,如何有效做資料的搜尋與展示。期望配合資料庫的建置,以ArcIMS為開發工具,達到將旅遊所需的資訊輸入,經一連串的篩選及重組成為所需的旅遊解說媒體資料。進一步希望結合GIS,將空間資料(Spatial Database)加入,期望能將旅遊解說資料庫與實際的空間做部分相關之結合。最終希望藉由此輔助系統,透過GIS的空間關係作參考,來製作完成旅遊解說手冊的初步手稿。如此便可有效的將資料再利用、抽取,並組成旅遊解說的行程資訊。


With the execution of the weekly two-day-off, the domestic one or two-day tours increase considerably, the market of domestic tourism enlarges, and the delicacy of the tour-planning also improves relatively. Facing the great amount of information, there can hardly be effective use of it without specified classification and integration. Thus, the databases prevail with this trend. However, most travel agents don’t understand the management of the database and the plan or building it in advance. Those who master the management don’t necessarily know the need of tourists. Moreover, the available software now may not correspond to the need of recreation interpretation. In this study, we will discuss how to build a database of recreation interpretation media. Besides, we will also focus on the repetitive use of the recreation interpretation information: how to effectively extract and display the present information. According with the development of the database, andthe exploitable tool of ArcIMS, we hope to achieve the recreation interpretation data, through a series of sifting and reconstructing. Furthermore, we want to combine GIS, joining the spatial database, relating the database with the real space. Finally, through this auxiliary system, referring to the spatial relationship of GIS, we hope to finish the primitive manuscript of the recreation interpretation manual.


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