  • 學位論文


Characteristics Measurement and Startup Control of MEMS Scanning Mirror

指導教授 : 陳永耀




Recently, researches in Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) never stop and enhance step by step. New ideas and applications are also found continuously. Today many things in the traditional applications have been replaced by the mature product of the MEMS such as the sensors in the mobile. The fabrication of MEMS takes many advantages of the IC community instead of developing the different technology. Similar with the new IC process, the key point about the development of the MEMS is on the success rate of the fabrication. Many efforts are spent on how to design a perfect structure to upgrade the performance of the MEMS component. Oppositely, only a few researches focus on the back-end for the component. For an actuating component, the design goal is expected to be under human control. But it is usually hard to be achieved on a component mixing with the mechanical, electrical and optical factors. Being the main body of this thesis, the MEMS scanning mirror applied in the optical applications is composed of the various factors coming from the mechanism and optics. This thesis aims to the startup control for the MEMS scanning mirror and discuss how to measure the nonlinear performance through the different sensors. Finally all results including the controller design and the measurement are presented to verify the correctness of the experiments. Some summaries and conclusions next to the experiment results help the future researchers to enhance the further researches.


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