  • 學位論文

消費者對於消費金融產品資訊需求之研究 -以內容分析法為之

Consumer's needs for Information on Consumer Banking - With the Application of Content Analysis

指導教授 : 謝清佳


由於各家銀行之消費金融產品與服務大致相似,且金融機構家數逐漸增加的情況下,導致金融市場過度飽和,無論是銀行或是代辦業者皆積極的爭取與維繫客戶。近年來資訊科技的發達與每年快速成長的網路人口,帶動電子商務的熱潮,也改變金融機構與消費者之間的互動模式,使得越來越多的金融機構業者透過建構網站,讓消費族群取得相關消費金融產品的一般性資訊,因此,金融業者若能以一般消費者之觀點為主,瞭解其興趣、偏好及需求所在,透過資訊科技的輔助,依據消費者需求來建置或修改網站內容,使得網頁更加吸引消費者的瀏覽。 本研究藉由接著藉由綜整銀行目前透過網站所提供的個人消費金融產品的服務內容,以及分析網友們於BBS看板所發表的言論內容中,瞭解消費者所關切貸款的需求資訊,將雙方結果做一對照,從中得知消費者真正的需求與消費金融服務業者提供的資訊是否有落差,藉以提供給貸款消費金融服務業者在規劃或改進消費金融網站內容時之參考依據。


Since the Internet becomes more and more popular, people tend to search and browse information from it. From observation; however, information on consumers loan are similar or limited on the Internet. In this study, general public’s needs and interests were examined from the interactive discussions in forum or from BBS. With the help of content analysis, banks get a better understanding of selecting website advertising languages as well as its content. Because of the difficulty to get quantifiable figures by analyzing similar studies, content analysis, which is commonly applied in social science, was applied to explore the qualitative properties. It works as follows: (1) Collect the articles of the discussion board of the selected BBS. In this research, PTT was adopted for it is the biggest BBS in Taiwan. (2) Quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and concepts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts. Results to the websites of several banks were compared. Interest rate was found to be a major issue but it was not explicitly provided by most banks. Besides, consumer banking information, which most people want to obtain from the Internet were collected in order to provide to financial service industries.


【53】 蔡聰泳,我國民營銀行消費金融員工績效評估之研究,私立元智大學管理研究所碩士論文,民國90年。
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