  • 學位論文


Antioxidant Activity of Fruits Produced in Taiwan as Determined by FRAP Assay

指導教授 : 林宗賢
共同指導教授 : 蕭寧馨 楊雯如(Wen-Ju Yang)


水果富含多種營養成分,除可供給水分及膳食纖維外,亦可有效降低罹患各種疾病機率。台灣四季水果種類多樣豐富,多與國外栽培品種不同,本研究以FRAP assay分析2種進口及36種台灣自產果品,依FRAP值高低排序可分成五群:桑椹(46C019品系)、‘珍珠拔’番石榴、刺萼寒苺及‘巨峰’葡萄為抗氧化力極高的一群,FRAP值在65 mmol/100克可食部位以上;第二群具高抗氧化力者有‘桃園一號’草莓、‘Hayward’獼猴桃、椪柑、柳橙、‘台農二號’木瓜、‘軟枝種’番荔枝、‘玉荷包’荔枝、泰國柚及台灣懸鉤子;第三群具中抗氧化力的果品有紅肉種仙人掌果、‘台農十七號’鳳梨、桶柑、紅文旦、麻豆文旦、蜜棗、‘馬來西亞種’楊桃、白柚、‘牛心’柿、‘金煌’檬果、‘黑葉’荔枝及‘愛文’檬果;第四群屬低抗氧化力者,包括‘富有’甜柿、‘二青’青梅、黃龍果、‘四周’柿、‘台蕉二號’香蕉、‘富士’蘋果、‘南洋種’蓮霧、‘凱特’檬果、‘糯米糍’荔枝及白肉種仙人掌果;抗氧化力極低的第五群有‘橫山’梨、土芒果及 ‘豐水’梨。 可溶性酚類化合物含量高者有‘富有’甜柿、‘玉荷包’荔枝、泰國柚、蜜棗、‘巨峰’葡萄、‘糯米糍’荔枝及‘黑葉’荔枝;含量屬於中等的有桑椹(46C019品系)、‘富士’蘋果、紅肉種仙人掌果、白柚、‘珍珠拔’番石榴、桶柑、‘馬來西亞種’楊桃、‘金煌’檬果、麻豆文旦及‘牛心’柿;含量較少的果品有紅文旦、土芒果、‘南洋種’蓮霧、柳橙、‘台農十七號’鳳梨、‘凱特’檬果、‘愛文’檬果、‘橫山’梨及‘Hayward’獼猴桃;可溶性酚類化合物含量極低的果品有‘四周’柿、白肉種仙人掌果及‘豐水’梨。顯見各種類及品種間有差異存在。 ‘愛文’檬果以白色單層紙袋及外棕內黑雙層牛皮紙袋套袋後果實抗氧化力及可溶性酚類化合物含量皆較高;‘珍珠拔’番石榴果實以三種材質的套袋處理後抗氧化力無顯著差異,維生素C則以透明PE袋加保利龍網舒果套套袋後含量較高,可溶性酚類化合物以鋁箔單層袋套袋後較高。 ‘南洋種’蓮霧冬果抗氧化力高於春夏果,但可溶性酚類化合物含量則是春夏果較高;椪柑抗氧化力以十月份採收者較高,維生素C含量在十月及十一月採收者高於十二月採收者,可溶性酚類化合物含量以十一月採收者高於其他採收月份。 兩種不同成熟度草莓果實抗氧化力無顯著差異。葡萄果實不論在抗氧化力、維生素C及可溶性酚類化合物含量方面都是以果肉帶有果皮者的數值高於只有果肉者。椪柑果實隨貯藏期增加,抗氧化力及維生素C含量皆下降,但可溶性酚類化合物則是在貯藏2個月後含量最低。


水果 抗氧化力 FRAP方法


In the thesis, two imported (kiwifruit and apple) and 36 Taiwan local fruits were analyzed by Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP) assay. According to the detected FRAP value, which shows the antioxidant activity, these 38 fruits could be separated into 5 groups: mulberry (Line 46C019), ‘Jen Ju Pa’ guava, Rubus pectinellus, and ‘Kyoho’ Grapes in very high value ( >70mmol/100g edible part); ‘Taoyuan No. 1’ strawberry, ‘Hayward’ kiwi fruit, ponkan, liucheng, ‘Tainung No. 2’ papaya, ‘Juan Chih’ sugar apple, ‘Yu Her Pao’ litchi, ‘Thailand Yu’ shaddock, and Taiwan raspberry were in high value (40-70 mmol/100g edible part); red pitaya, ‘Tainung No. 17’ pineapple, tankan, ‘Red Buntan’ shaddock, ‘Matou Buntan’ shaddock, ‘Mejao’ Indian jujube, ‘Malaysia’ carambola, ‘Peiyu’ shaddock, ‘Niou Hsin Shin’ persimmon, ‘Chin Hwang’ mango, ‘Hak Yeh’ litchi, and ‘Irwin’ mango in medium value (20-40 mmol/100g edible part); ‘Fu Yu’ persimmon, ‘’Japanese apricot, yellow pitaya, ‘Szu Chou Shin’ persimmon, ‘Tai-Chiao No. 2’ banana, ‘Fuji’ apple, ‘Nan Yang’ waxapple, ‘Keitt’ mango, ‘No Mi Tsz’ litchi, and white pitaya in low value (10-20 mmol/100g edible part); ‘Hengshan’ pear, ‘Chai-She’ mango, and ‘Feng Shui’ pea in very low value ( < 10 mmol/100g edible part). Fruits like ‘Fu Yu’ persimmon, ‘Yu Her Pao’ litchi, ‘Thailand Yu’ shaddock, ‘Mejao’ Indian jujube, ‘Kyoho’ Grapes, ‘No Mi Tsz’ litchi, and ‘Hak Yeh’ litchi were with high soluble free phenolic compounds (SFP) content (>1300 mg gallic acid equivalent/ 100g edible part). Mulberry (Line 46C019), ‘Fuji’ apple, red pitaya, ‘Peiyu’ shaddock, ‘Jen Ju Pa’ guava, tankan, ‘Malaysia’ carambola, ‘Chin Hwang’ mango, ‘Matou Buntan’ shaddock, and ‘Niou Hsin Shin’ persimmon were with medium SFP content (1000-1300 mg gallic acid equivalent/ 100g edible part). ‘Red Buntan’ shaddock, ‘Chai-She’ mango, ‘Nan Yang Chung’ wax apple, liucheng, ‘Tainung No. 17’ pineapple, ‘Keitt’ mango, ‘Irwin’ mango, ‘Hengshan’ pear, and ‘Hayward’ kiwi fruit were with low SFP content (700-1000 mg gallic acid equivalent/ 100g edible part) while ‘Szu Chou Shin’ persimmon, white pitaya, and ‘Feng Shui’ pear were with very low SFP content (<700 mg gallic acid equivalent/ 100g edible part). There were differences in antioxidant activity and SFP content between species and cultivars. ‘Irwin’ mango bagged with white single-layer paper bag and with brown-black two-layer paper bag had higher antioxidant activity and SFP content than with aluminum-foil bag. There were no significant differences in the antioxidant activity of ‘Jen Ju Pa’ guava bagged with three different bagging materials. ‘Jen Ju Pa’ guava had higher vitamin C content by bagging with transparent PE plastic bag while having higher SFP content with aluminum-foil bag. ‘Nang Yang’ waxapple harvested in winter had higher antioxidant activity while those harvested in spring had more SFP content. Ponkan harvested in October had higher antioxidant activity and vitamin C content while those harvested in November had more vitamin C content and SFP content. In the antioxidant activity of strawberry at different maturity stages was not significantly different. Grapes extracted with peel and pulp had higher antioxidant activity, vitamin C content and SFP content than those extracted only with pulp. For longer storage period, the antioxidant activity and vitamin C content of ponkan decreased, and the SFP content stayed the lowest for 2 month storage.


fruits antioxidant activity FRAP assay


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劉育昌(2013)。‘珍珠拔’番石榴後熟特性與系統II ACC合成酶PgACS1基因表現之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00014
