  • 學位論文


The Consumer Preference Analysis under Multiattribute Decision Making Model

指導教授 : 任立中


一般而言,當消費者在購買產品時,其決策屬於一種多重屬性的購買決策行為。而在多重屬性產品的消費者偏好模式研究上,聯合分析法一直是被廣泛應用的方法之一。然而,聯合分析法也有其應用上的限制,當產品屬性及水準過多時,受測者不易評斷受測體,將影響資料蒐集上的困難和分析結果的正確性。 由於消費者行為學中認為不同的消費族群對於產品會有不同的認知狀態,因此選購產品時會產生不同的涉入程度,在購買決策上也會有差異,故本研究試圖以涉入理論為基礎,並結合聯合分析法,探討涉入程度是否能有效的測量並解釋消費者在多重屬性產品決策模式下的消費行為,並進而探討不同涉入程度的消費族群間其偏好結構是否有顯著差異。 本研究以筆記型電腦及泡麵為研究產品,所獲得的實證結果發現: 1. 高低涉入族群對於多重屬性產品之偏好結構及其所重視的屬性,確實有差異存在。以筆記型電腦而言,高涉入群覺得最重要的屬性是價格,而低涉入群覺得最重要的屬性是品牌;以泡麵而言,高涉入群覺得最重要的屬性是口味,而低涉入群覺得最重要的屬性則為是否附調理包。 2. 此外,高低涉入族群在購買多重屬性產品時,其考量的屬性水準個數亦有顯著差異。不論是就筆記型電腦或是泡麵而言,高涉入的消費者在購買產品時所考慮的屬性水準個數皆高於低涉入的消費者。


Generally when consumers buy a product, their decision model is one kind of multiple attribute decision making model. Moreover, conjoint analysis is the most popular analysis method applied in consumer preference research under multiple attribute decision making model. However, conjoint analysis has some limits. When there are a large number of product attributes or levels within attributes, it is difficult for respondent to evalluate the stimulus, which influence the difficulty of data collection and accuracy of analysis. Base on consumer behavior theory, each consumer has different perception. Therefore, different consumer has different involvement which lead the difference of decision making. This study is intended to combine involvement concept with conjoint analysis to explore whether involvement can explain the consumer behavior under multiple attribute decision making model and whether there are preference difference between consumers having different involvement. In this study notebook and instant noodles are used to be the research products. The empirical results show: 1.There are some significant differences in preference and attributes between low-involvement and high-involvement consumers. The most important attribute for high-involvement notebook consumer is price but for low-involvement notebook consumer is brand; the most important attribute for high-involvement instant noodles consumer is flavor but for low-involvement instant noodles consumer is enclosed condiment. 2.There are some significant differences in the number of considerated attributes between low-involvement and high-involvement consumers. Generally speaking, the number of attributes that high-involvement consumer consider with is more than he number of attributes that low-involvement consumer consider with.


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